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Rich Geldreich On The State Of Linux Gaming, And It's Not Good
10 November 2014 at 9:47 am UTC

Valva has completed their Linux port of Source Engine, and the performances are good, and better than windows... So the critic is about recent ports of non native engines... I think the linux gaming is on his 1st phase, testing the market, testing the public... With native engines we will have best performances.

Shovel Knight - An NES Inspired Platformer Released On Linux
9 October 2014 at 11:32 am UTC

But, almost, some gameplay ideas are always as good as they are in theses times. Games like zelda or castlevania still have great gameplays ideas and many of them are from these 80-90's era.

Shovel Knight - An NES Inspired Platformer Released On Linux
9 October 2014 at 11:31 am UTC

8 bits and 16 bits era are graphicly a sort of esthetism nowadays. Hardware limitations for one era became sort of 80's style. I think Kung's Fury ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kungfury/kung-fury ) is expecting the same goal as long as low-fi was an artistic movement.

But we have also some nostalgia too of this era. The same games (like mario kart on snes) cannot compete with their successors (mario kart 64 or on gamecube).

We are streaming Borderlands 2 (Updated with VODs)
3 October 2014 at 7:06 am UTC

Quoting: GuestI had to disable vsync to get good framerates on my Core i3 / GTX 660 (I’m also using Compton with vsync enabled, which might interfere, but it’s not causing any trouble with other games).
AMD X3 460 and Geforce 650 Ti, all max.
I have elementary os luna... maybe it's the cause of your trouble ?