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Latest Comments by pete910
Metro 2033 Redux & Metro Last Light Redux Launch On Linux, Sorta (UPDATED)
15 December 2014 at 8:57 pm UTC

Quoting: HonorEDnlKI have a 270x myself and moved from open source drivers to 14.06 drivers, and now I just updated to 14.12 omega drivers and I can already tell it runs a LOT better, specially faster loading times, try updating your drivers Pete910, it might help.

My only problem was having startup crashes due to my previous video settings before the update, so for those having startup crashes, try deleting / reverting settings in the user.cfg file. There are two files but you're looking for a copy made into your save folder (the one with the gibberish name)

I updated a previous post regarding the user.cfg file too if you want to change resolutions. I'm gonna start over to compare performance / graphics, I've read a few forum threads on the web praising FPS increments.

All ready on the omega drivers. Might try a remove and re-install though.

Quoting: omer666What is your SSAA setting? Turning it to 0.5 could help...

It's off :'(

May be it's because its running 1440p, Set different res in the user.cfg and it makes no difference.

I'll have a mess and see what I can do. Might be something else causing it I suppose.

Metro 2033 Redux & Metro Last Light Redux Launch On Linux, Sorta (UPDATED)
15 December 2014 at 1:10 am UTC

Well! I can say it runs crap on a 290x :'( Shame really. Bought it as I didn't have 2033 only last light.

Old gen last light plays fine. Fired up 2033 redux and its a slide show on medium. Tried the to see what it was doing. erm... Is a massive 11fps good enough

Link here as screen shot a bit big

That's on the new 14.12 drivers too.

Porting Civilization: Beyond Earth, Dev Update 6 From Aspyr Media (UPDATED)
6 December 2014 at 5:34 pm UTC

Not worried about ATI support, Hows the AMD GPU's support ?

PCGamingWiki Looks At Tropico 5 And Borderlands 2 Linux Ports
11 October 2014 at 9:06 am UTC

Quoting: abelthorneJust tried to activate dynamic ligthning on an ATI GPU and I now know that there's a very good reason it isn't on by default.

First, don't set CompositeDynamicLights to true. Really. Don't. Not sure if it is active on nVidia hardware but with my ATI I get a GPU lockup as soon as the game has to render 3D : black screen (no signal to the monitor), has to force a hard reboot.

As for DynamicLights, you can see the problem on the menu screen (where you see your character): some textures displayed as black and flickering. Didn't even try to enter the game in that shape.

Note that I'm using a RadeonHD 7770 with Mesa devel (1.4 from Oibaf PPA). Results might differ on a different GPU or with Catalyst.

Don't get that issue with the Cat driver.That's on both a 5870 and 290x. So might be a Mesa bug.

PCGamingWiki Looks At Tropico 5 And Borderlands 2 Linux Ports
10 October 2014 at 3:33 pm UTC

It was disabled on my sons too, as well as mine. He has Nvidia card.

PCGamingWiki Looks At Tropico 5 And Borderlands 2 Linux Ports
10 October 2014 at 2:13 pm UTC

You know that DynamicLights is off by default in Borderlands2 for *nix!

/.local/share/aspyr-media/borderlands 2/willowgame/config/willowengine.ini

Line 1099


Change to



Borderlands 2 Released For Linux With A Sale
7 October 2014 at 12:24 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: pete910Seems to be using all cores fairly evenly on mine. (about 15% ish)
Well I don’t know how many cores your CPU has, but even 15% * 8 would be only 120%. Linux likes to move processes from one core to another very frequently so that may be the reason why you see all cores being used. Or the game is multithreaded after all :).


Forgot about that, Made CPU graph full screen seems to jumping. looks even on the small one on desktop ;). I should have realized that.

Borderlands 2 Released For Linux With A Sale
7 October 2014 at 9:54 am UTC Likes: 1

Hi guys, New to forum.(Not the site though :D)

Just bought the 4 pack for me and my family! missed the sale :(

Wasn't expecting brilliant performance but I am shocked. It runs real well on my 290x @ 1440p all high/far :D

Seems to be using all cores fairly evenly on mine. (about 15% ish) Is that driver difference?

Using cat 14.9

Going to see what performance it is like on my old hd5870/1090t x6 my daughter has. Sons should be fine as he has a NV 560ti with an i5 2500k in his.(famous last words)

Have too meany games to play..... ( Still seems wrong saying that in *nix :D)