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Latest Comments by rea987
Unique 90s FPS 'MadSpace' Available On Linux
13 May 2015 at 8:42 am UTC

Quoting: wryIs it another Wine port (eg: System Shock 2)?

Not actually, it's a DOSBox port.

Arma 3 Is Officially Being Worked On For Linux By An External Team, Won’t Be Native
29 April 2015 at 8:20 pm UTC Likes: 2

So... I am not into Arma series but as far as I know it is a precision based tactical shooter which should rely on decent framerate. I do not see any reason to be fine with a non-native port in that respect. Yeah, playing a single player action RPG like The Witcher 2 or a single player FPS like BioShock Infinite around 60 FPS while Windows versions are waaay higher than that would be okay. But I cannot accept to play a system demanding competitive multiplayer shooter via wrapper. Sorry. Come on, Real Virtuality engine most probably has no OpenGL renderer; how can someone bear D3D > OpenGL wrapper in a multiplayer game?

Aspyr Media Are Teasing A New Game, They Promise Many Penguin Smiles
15 April 2015 at 1:03 pm UTC

Maybe we should consider the Linux friendly (OpenGL) game engines and companies. Therefore, we can cross out the games from Zenimax/Bethesda, Blizzard and Rockstar. Then we are mainly left with Unreal Engine games. Regards.

Humble Indie Bundle 14 Is Out, Outlast & Shadow Warrior New To Linux
1 April 2015 at 1:44 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: MarcoDePolloOh Hey another Torchlight 2 key: https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=TTTSPdZAvd2PvKFn

Yay, thanks!

The GDC Videos From This Year Are Now Online, Including The Video On The Vulkan API
31 March 2015 at 9:47 pm UTC

It is quite interesting and sad to not to see id Software in Khronos Group while Blizzard and EA are there...

Star Citizen For Linux Is Being Held Up By Crytek
31 March 2015 at 9:33 pm UTC Likes: 2

Well, I have no idea about the Kickstarter promises, but I prefer a "working" 1.0 release instead of a garbage release like Dying Light. Therefore, I found his excuse acceptable.

BioShock Infinite Released For Linux, Thanks To Virtual Programming
17 March 2015 at 8:27 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: vultureit is old game without gl support originally, performance will be worse than on windows. wrapper takes its toll too.

performance will only matter in games where engine supports both... unless it is unity and gl sucks balls there by default

Yes and no. It is a 2 year old game which is released for OS X with native OpenGL 5 months after its initial relase for Windows. Since it has no competitive multiplayer mode; I do not mind not having 120 FPS. However, anything below 60 FPS is unacceptable.

Can please someone confirm frame rate with 1080p for mid settings?

The GOL Nouveau Experiment
15 March 2015 at 11:36 pm UTC

How about some Gallium Nine test? As far as I know Nine is not supported by proprietary drivers; requires open source drivers. Yaroslav Andrusyak keeps making some Nine vs native OpenGL vs Windows comparison with open source AMD/ATI drivers but I wonder the performance of open source Nvidia drivers with Nine. Testing Source Engine games as OpenGL would not be the best idea, cause Source Engine uses ToGL for D3D to OpenGL transform. But Unreal Engine 1/2/3 offers both pure OpenGL and DirectX 9 support. I suppose it is worth to try. :-)

Lots Of Big Games Confirmed For SteamOS, Torchlight II Now Out, Payday 2, Mordor And More Coming Too
5 March 2015 at 11:41 am UTC

I keep being sceptical about The Witcher III and CD Projekt RED in the case of Linux gaming. The Linux launch of The Witcher 2 was a huge dissaster. Instead of making a native port, they decided to use eON wrapper which performed like ...se. Some (not all of them) performance issues are resolved but the game is still performs on Linux not good as it performs on Windows... Sometimes I am okay with Wine ports as long as the original game uses OpenGL; that would removes Direct3D to OpenGL wrapping process and the game performs almost as good as the Windows version. But in the case of The Witcher 2 they decided to use eON wrapper to translate Direct3D calls to OpenGL which resulted poor performance. I still do not understand why would they do they while the native OS X version with OpenGL exists... Anyway, let us cross our fingers for a native GNU/Linux port The Witcher III...

Aspyr's Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remaster Is Real And It's Out, We Have Keys For You [Key hunt is over]
31 January 2015 at 10:46 pm UTC

The Birds (1963) from Alfred Hitchcock kept scaring me during my dreams back then.

"Scary door" scene from Doom 3 scare me and and my friend so much that we needed to go to pee afterwards. :-D
