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Latest Comments by slaapliedje
Aspyr Media Are Teasing A New Game, They Promise Many Penguin Smiles
18 April 2015 at 4:09 pm UTC

Hmm, All Hands, I'm thinking spaceships, I'm thinking Elite: Dangerous. :D I would then actually have time to play it occasionally!

Contagion, Cooperative Survival Horror FPS Is Still Planned For Linux
9 March 2015 at 3:52 am UTC

Quoting: Maelrane
Quoting: GuestValve had their Dev days awhile back, where they practically gave everyone the knowledge and tools to publish a game on Linux. Not to mention that Contagion uses the Source engine, which should be one of the easiest to port with Valve holding their hand all the way. I agree with everyone else, platitudes and promises have zero substance in this industry without something we can sink our teeth into every so often to show actual progress.

While I agree with the rest it really depends on the version of Source they've used initially.

I figure this is just like Black Mesa, which I'm pretty sure still has no Linux release due to the version of the Source SDK they used.