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Latest Comments by ShabbyX
Steam just keeps growing according to a presentation Valve did recently, UI update is coming
5 July 2017 at 6:39 pm UTC Likes: 2

Could be interesting if valve released distribution of OS usage per country or continent. That could show whether such conclusions as "Asia uses windows, so there" is actually true. It's true that piracy makes eastern countries use proprietary software more "easily", but I have seen first hand (I'm from Iran) that there are also Linux advocates as much as there are here in the west (in Canada now).

Post Human W.A.R, a pretty decent looking strategy game might come to Linux with enough requests
19 May 2017 at 7:19 pm UTC

Something developers miss is that supporting other platforms (Linux included) doesn't always generate revenue proportional to the sales they make on that particular platform. There are numerous games that I bought on Linux, liked it and recommended to others who bought it (on windows), or bought it (again, on windows) so we can play together. Those people in turn encourage others to buy the game, which likely would again be on windows.

So even though the sale on Linux looks small, it helps increase the sale on windows as well.

The developers of Mantis Burn Racing are open to bringing the game to Linux, if there’s enough interest
11 May 2017 at 8:31 pm UTC

And where do they look to see who supports it? In case they look here, it's definitely something I would enjoy for local co-op!

The Jupiter Hell developers are showing how a Kickstarter is done properly
12 April 2017 at 9:38 pm UTC

Quoting: micha...

Micha, How did you get that "Game Dev" tag?

Some thoughts on Ziggurat
10 April 2017 at 10:40 pm UTC Likes: 1

I played Ziggurat a lot, despite myself. With the new characters that get unlocked every time or other you finish the game, a new level of challenge is added to the game which keeps the game interesting for a lot longer than I would have expected. Also, the random level-up "cards" can change each playthrough a lot, sometimes making it much harder by denying you some upgrade you usually depend on.

An interview with Beamdog about Linux gaming, they say it’s worth it
8 April 2017 at 8:08 pm UTC Likes: 10

QuoteScott Brooks: Vim, gcc, and make?

I like this guy.

Unreal Tournament updated, weapon animations overhauled and AI improvements
28 March 2017 at 9:48 pm UTC

Geeky comment:

cd "$HOME/Downloads/LinuxNoEditor/Engine/Binaries/Linux/"

Pine, an open-world adventure game where the world adapts with your decisions
10 March 2017 at 5:59 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: qptain Nemo2. What can the developers even do to resolve those issues? They don't have the access to the source of the engine.

Except that they do. The source is open (not free, but just open), so they can actually fix stuff and send patches.

But I'm not as pessimistic as others here. They seem to like Linux (which likely means there is someone who uses Linux, but cannot use the Unity editor yet because it's unstable (hence the comment about the state of the editor on Linux)). Also, they talk about testing the game on various distros, so by all means, it looks like they know how to deal with Linux.

Khronos working on an '3D Portability Initiative' to enable portable development across Vulkan, DX12 and Metal
3 March 2017 at 4:49 am UTC

I highly doubt they would create yet another API. After all, they just decided Vulkan is the best they could come up with.

The best thing they can do is to implement these:

- Tools to convert from any shading language to SPIR-V
- Translation layer from Vulkan to other APIs, such as dx, metal, sce (playstation).

In other words, you would end up coding in Vulkan as the universal API, and use the translation layer when not possible, for example on OSX, PS and XBox.

The Talos Principle has a new stable build with more Vulkan optimizations
15 February 2017 at 2:11 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: M@yeulCIsn't it Ctrl+Alt+SysRq?

Nope, ctrl is not needed: