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Latest Comments by ShabbyX
President Of Blizzard Responds To The Linux Petition, Petition Owner Creates Childish Response
12 March 2015 at 9:55 am UTC Likes: 1

Note: Andrew doesn't represent me.

That said, there _is_ a way to settle this. How about all of us who want a Linux client stop playing blizzard games for a few months, say from May 1, 2015 (or the release of Legacy of the Void, whichever comes first) to August 1, 2015, so the company can actually measure the impact?

I know it would be hard not to play, but we can make a point. If Blizzard observes a 2% decline in players and decides that it cannot care less, so be it. However, if they see a 10% decline and decide that's something they have to address, we may just see that Linux client developed.

If you are with me, please spread the word (otherwise the whole thing would be useless).