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Latest Comments by Kimyrielle
GOL Survey Results: May
9 June 2015 at 5:01 am UTC Likes: 1

Question 3 - Did you use a Windows partition for gaming last month?

QuoteI’m still pretty shocked this hasn’t really changed since the survey began. After all the crazy and unexpected ports we’ve had since then, I really expected at least a 5% decrease over this period and probably more. Maybe I’m just overly optimistic with this, but with all the releases which should be coming out from now until October, I still remain optimistic. Though if that kind of change doesn’t happen by then, I will be incredibly disappointed. It’s no secret that this is the figure where I really do care about seeing changes on a monthly basis.

It takes only -one- game for people they really want to play to keep around Windows. In my case that's MMOs (and Skyrim). There is none as in not one decent MMO available for Linux right now. Not. One. Don't over interpret that, though. It doesn't mean that I am not committed to Linux and most of the games I am playing I play in the OS I actually want to use (which...isn't Windows, trust me!). It just means I have enough hard drive space that I don't care about a couple hundred MB to be used for a Windows installation if I can play my MMOs for the time being. And don't ask me why MMOs are the -only- genre that doesn't seem to get any Linux love whatsoever, despite the many awesome other games we have been getting as of late.

Steam Replaces The Linux Tux Logo With SteamOS
28 May 2015 at 10:44 pm UTC

I get the idea that Valve needed to brand SteamOS. But at least they could have given SteamOS a logo that's not virtually identical with Steam as in the gaming platform. People seeing that will think "Ok, that's a game for Steam". A tux holding the Steam logo would have been nice. Or something that indicates that this is an actual platform. Oh well....

Open Source Development Environment Godot Engine 1.1 Out
24 May 2015 at 3:43 am UTC

Great to see this project growing!

More Initial Thoughts On Victor Vran, The RPG From The Tropico Developers
21 May 2015 at 6:11 pm UTC

Looks really interesting, but I am not a fan of games I have to play with a premade character. They could at least add a Victoria Vran as an alternative. :S

Cities: Skylines City Builder Has A Big Update With A European Theme
21 May 2015 at 6:08 pm UTC Likes: 2

It's not the best city builder on Linux. It's the best city builder, period. I am a die-hard city builder fan (been playing them since the original SimCity) and I am so happy that they picked up the franchise from EA (or should I say, took it away from them? :D) Skylines is so much better than this utter disaster that's SimCity that it's not even funny.

And yay for tunnels!

Divinity: The Original Sin Enhanced Edition Announced, No Linux Release Date
18 May 2015 at 3:58 pm UTC

Quoting: berillionsWhere is the problem for you ?
Divinity: The Original Sin will not be available on Linux but Divinity: The Original Sin Enhanced Edition yes ... If you can't wait the new version, it's not my problem.

Thing is that they promised a Linux version of the game as part of their KS pitch. The game is out for what feels like an eternity now and there is still no Linux version in sight. Now they are telling us that it will be a part of the EE, but if I got that right, it's in no shape of form guaranteed that we will get a "day 1" release even for the EE (the opposite, rather). Baseline: Don't promise things unless you have both the will and the means to keep it. We tell stuff like "keep your promises" to our children, so I don't think that can be called "entitlement'". Even if we represent only a tiny portion of the market share, I suppose we still deserve at least not getting promised things that then will not happen.

Oculus Has "Paused" Linux Development On The Rift VR Headset
16 May 2015 at 11:45 pm UTC Likes: 1

Yeah, the "not enough resources available" is SO bullshit coming from one of world's largest corporations. How about telling the truth once and go "not enough interest" for once?

The latter is pretty much compatible with my own stance. I couldn't care less if they release on Linux or not as there is not a single trace of interest in VR in me. I feel sorry for all the people who were looking forward to it, though.

Divinity: The Original Sin Enhanced Edition Announced, No Linux Release Date
15 May 2015 at 8:50 pm UTC

Quoting: maodzedunExcept they can totally make 2 separate sets of interfaces - for keyboard and mouse and for controller. Like it was done in the Van Helsing games. I don't know what's dumbed down and what isn't, but it's a nice change after working a whole day hunched over a keyboard to kickback with a gamepad in my hand.

Theoretically - sure, they could. But most games don't. The 'economic' way of solving it is meeting at the least common denominator, which is the console/gamepad. A proper second UI would cost money, after all. Which is why I tend to cringe whenever I see that one of the games I am looking forward to will have a console port or gamepad support.

Two prime examples for horrible, "dumbed down by console" UIs are Skyrim and DC Universe Online. In the end, consoles/gamepads aren't the most suitable platform for complex games, and that includes RPGs and strategy games. A gamepad is something I'd use for platformers and racing games. I have no idea why anyone would want to play a RPG with one, but maybe it's just me.

Divinity: The Original Sin Enhanced Edition Announced, No Linux Release Date
15 May 2015 at 7:09 pm UTC

Quoting: Keyrock"The full gamepad support makes me very happy, especially as they have adjusted the UI for it too."

This makes me scared. I hope the UI will be adjustable or have modes to accomodate both controllers and m&kb. My fear is that the UI will be full controller-centric and I'll have to play this with m&kb with a ****ty "streamlined" UI for controllers that doesn't let me take advantage of the fact that I have more than 12 buttons to work with.

Same here. "Game controller/console support" and "dumbed down garbage UI" go hand in hand almost 100% of the time. I hope that's not the case here.

ARK: Survival Evolved, A Beautiful Unreal Engine Survival Game Is Heading Our Way
12 May 2015 at 11:03 pm UTC Likes: 1

A survival game not involving zombies for a change? Wow! Call me interested!