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ZeniMax are flexing their legal muscles towards DoomRL
2 December 2016 at 3:55 pm UTC

Quoting: MyeulCThis serious misconception needs to DIE FAST: (via the previous link)

Im happy to be corrected, as I say it was only based on information that I could remember. I will of course read the links when I have a bit of spare time

ZeniMax are flexing their legal muscles towards DoomRL
2 December 2016 at 2:27 pm UTC

Quoting: reaVerLets all note here that it isn't economically viable for them to port their games to Linux, yet it is economically viable for them to go threaten people that have no money with lawsuits.

While I am in no way supporting Zenimax here, and dont agree with their behaviour. I believe this is a case of a rock and a hard place; in order to maintain trademarks on things you have to actively use and critically take steps to prevent its use by other parties. So while DoomRL may not pose any threat to Zenimax by not defending the trademark they potentially down the line open themselves up to others who could be a threat being able to use the trademark as they would be able to prove that Zenimax wasnt actively protecting it.

Source: My Memory of something I read; Dont quote me; Not a lawyer!

What one game would blow your mind if it came to Linux & SteamOS?
1 December 2016 at 3:02 pm UTC Likes: 4

Witcher 3 that is my hope and dream for Linux, but it does look slim sadly at the minute - just left waiting for WINE to catchup and make it playable!

Nearly 4 years later, Steam still won’t close to the tray icon on Linux without workarounds
30 November 2016 at 10:27 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: liamdaweNo, minimize does minimize it, but the close button also minimizes it, when it should close it to the tray/indicator.

You know what I have never noticed that; will have to check later to see if I am insane and not noticed it, then again perhaps I close steam from the menu instead of the window icons. I really should pay more attention, this is why Im not in QA!


Quoting: catskinsoxI was just about to post how mine closes to the tray just fine on Mint 18. And it always has. But I decided to check the desktop file, and it appears Mint might have done that for me, as that command you mentioned is already on the Exec entry.

Then again I have Mint 18 as well, so perhaps Im not as dense as I thought! Still going to check tonight now just to be sure...

Nearly 4 years later, Steam still won’t close to the tray icon on Linux without workarounds
30 November 2016 at 10:22 am UTC

Im confuzled; is the issue here that if you minimise steam you still get the window listed in the panel; but to get it to close that and show in the tray you need to press the close option?

I hadnt even classed this as a bug to be honest; in fact Skype for Linux Alpha has the same functionality, minimise does just that and leaves a "window" listed on thepanel, but with the relevant option selected pressing close will leae just the tray inicator.

My top list of must-have strategy games on Linux as of right now
25 November 2016 at 2:14 pm UTC

Quoting: benoliver999Great list, I've been a long time fan of CoH 1, so checking out the second one might be worth it.

One thing that is putting me off a bit - is it true that you can't do cross-platform multiplayer on it?

you can do Linux V Linux and Linux V Mac; but neither Linux or Mac can play with Windows users. Feral was able to tweak the game code to work between Linux/Mac but obviously don’t have the ability to alter the windows version.

A casual reminder that I rely on your funding through Patreon to stay alive
24 November 2016 at 3:48 pm UTC

I will have to look at donating at somepoint, but family comes first especially around Christmas (bloody expensive time of year) so it may have to wait til the new year.

However; If I may put a comment across regarding the site, my only concern with donating is the content of the twitter feed. I personally agree with your political leanings and share your concerns about privacy etc. However I feel that perhaps these comments are more suited to personal twitter accounts rather than the one associated directly with the site.

For those still interested, it looks like Homefront: The Revolution for Linux is still being worked on
23 November 2016 at 12:47 pm UTC Likes: 4

Im still interested in this coming to Linux, granted I have a backlog to play through first but still would be good to see.

Total War: WARHAMMER released for Linux, port report and video
23 November 2016 at 9:48 am UTC

Quoting: 0aTTWill "Realm of The Wood Elves" and all other DLCs be ported to Linux in the future?

Should the game be purchased via the feral store to support Feral Interactive directly? Are Linux purchases on Steam really counted? I usually play in Big Picture. I've heard that Valve does not count that.

With the exception of the Wood Elves DLC all the others show the SteamOS icon on the steam store, and I fully expect the Wood Elves DLC to be updated shortly.