Latest Comments by Cmdr_Iras
Grab a glass, the first release candidate for Wine 4.0 is now available
10 December 2018 at 10:59 am UTC
Not owning any of those games I cant give you any direct help, but if you run the games the review the wine log to see what errors are thrown up. Will give you a clue to what features are missing and need to be implemented by the WINE team or if your lucky maybe its something you just need to install with winetricks.
10 December 2018 at 10:59 am UTC
Quoting: massatt212i dont understand why games like Dragon Ball FighterZ Dont work on Wine or Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite/Street Fighter V
Not owning any of those games I cant give you any direct help, but if you run the games the review the wine log to see what errors are thrown up. Will give you a clue to what features are missing and need to be implemented by the WINE team or if your lucky maybe its something you just need to install with winetricks.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive introduces a Battle Royale mode, goes free to play
7 December 2018 at 8:19 am UTC
7 December 2018 at 8:19 am UTC
Maybe its time to pick this up! Not that im any good at FPS games...
Valve have some serious competition, with the Epic Games Store being announced
4 December 2018 at 3:29 pm UTC Likes: 4
4 December 2018 at 3:29 pm UTC Likes: 4
I really hope they support Linux as with the low % take they could really hoover up the indies where the extra revenue they would see would be keenly felt. And the lack of a Linux version of the storefront could be detrimental to us in the longterm.
Time to start tweeting EPIC lobbying for a commitment to a Linux version of the storefront.
Time to start tweeting EPIC lobbying for a commitment to a Linux version of the storefront.
Paradox have put up the changes coming to Stellaris for MegaCorp and the big 2.2 'Le Guin' patch
4 December 2018 at 11:37 am UTC
I am waiting until my next Stellaris playthrough before I hover up the Megacorp DLC (Hopefully that is before the next major reworking!) That said I love this game, and my next game I want to try and get involved in a MP game as it would be awesome to play against other players.
4 December 2018 at 11:37 am UTC
Quoting: BoldosFar too pricey for €19,99.
Also, with other free changes coming with the update, I'm afraid there might be far too many changes at once...
Hence not purchasing the DLC now....
(Lets see how long my will stands until it breaks and I purchase Megacorps DLC for any price :D [I estimate my will breaks no later than just before Christmas])
I am waiting until my next Stellaris playthrough before I hover up the Megacorp DLC (Hopefully that is before the next major reworking!) That said I love this game, and my next game I want to try and get involved in a MP game as it would be awesome to play against other players.
Neolithic, a historical strategy game inspired by Age of Empires, Civilization and more will come to Linux
30 November 2018 at 3:38 pm UTC
30 November 2018 at 3:38 pm UTC
Looks quite good, may have to wishlist this; pick it up in the future.
BATTLETECH for Linux updated, releases Flashpoint expansion – some thoughts
28 November 2018 at 8:45 am UTC
I dont know how it compares but on my system Im not noticing any jitters, framedrops or stalls or the like and im getting a smooth experience @1440p
28 November 2018 at 8:45 am UTC
Quoting: FaattoriHow is the performance compared to Windows release? I take it that it's nothing to worry about since the article doesn't mention that sort of stuff.
I dont know how it compares but on my system Im not noticing any jitters, framedrops or stalls or the like and im getting a smooth experience @1440p
Stellaris: MegaCorp expansion to release December 6th
21 November 2018 at 4:51 pm UTC Likes: 1
He is talking about the ingame Galactic Market feature; it allows for players to trade away excess resources to buy in resources they are poor in. Its the 'legal' side of the slave market area :)
21 November 2018 at 4:51 pm UTC Likes: 1
Quoting: liamdaweQuoting: AzPHmm? The what now?Quoting: liamdaweFor those talking about the price, the game is regularly heavily discounted.
Liam, you forgot to mention the regular market, for selling and buying resources.
He is talking about the ingame Galactic Market feature; it allows for players to trade away excess resources to buy in resources they are poor in. Its the 'legal' side of the slave market area :)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is officially coming to Linux in 2019
20 November 2018 at 4:28 pm UTC Likes: 1
I have similar opinion with the qualifier that I will purchase a game that runs on proton once it is heavily reduced and the chance of a port has all but passed (1-2yrs after release). For a full price purchase from me it needs to be a proper Linux port, be that inhouse or externally with the likes of Feral I dont mind.
20 November 2018 at 4:28 pm UTC Likes: 1
Quoting: M@GOidFor now, I will only buy properly ported games. Proton is a nice thing to have, for the games in my library that will never see a official port. I'm not giving my money to companies that ignores the Linux market.
I have similar opinion with the qualifier that I will purchase a game that runs on proton once it is heavily reduced and the chance of a port has all but passed (1-2yrs after release). For a full price purchase from me it needs to be a proper Linux port, be that inhouse or externally with the likes of Feral I dont mind.
Valve's card game Artifact is running very well on Linux, releasing next week
20 November 2018 at 11:22 am UTC
Im not suggesting that there isnt space for buying cards as well, certainly in my example of Gwent you can buy card packs for cash, its just I personally prefer to pay via an ingame earned currency. Now it sounds like if I play well I can get booster packs as rewards, that sounds sufficient for me that I may pick this up.
20 November 2018 at 11:22 am UTC
Quoting: jardonQuoting: TheSHEEEPQuoting: EhvisSounds a lot like MtG Arena, except that Arena at least allows you to purchase booster packs with earnable in-game currency.Quoting: ajgpCan you buy booster packs with any sort of ingame currency earned from playing?
No, but you can win them by playing games with "event tickets". And you can also win back your event ticket with those. So if you're really good you can have an endless supply, if you're really bad you get nothing. Or somewhere in between of course.
Ya but MTG arena has its own problems. Ever heard of the fifth card problem? In arena if you have most of the cards and you spend money buying packs you're pretty much just throwing money away.
People act like there are cheap card games it there. Sure there are some that you can substitute your time for cards, but I'd rather have the option to pay. TBH I could have the most expensive deck out there and still lose. As long as the barrier to competitive play is relatively low then I see no legitimate reason to complain.
Im not suggesting that there isnt space for buying cards as well, certainly in my example of Gwent you can buy card packs for cash, its just I personally prefer to pay via an ingame earned currency. Now it sounds like if I play well I can get booster packs as rewards, that sounds sufficient for me that I may pick this up.
Valve's card game Artifact is running very well on Linux, releasing next week
20 November 2018 at 9:41 am UTC
20 November 2018 at 9:41 am UTC
Im interested in this; I did play Gwent but to be frank cant be arsed with the hassle of getting galaxy working on WINE. So looking at Artifact im curious on the cost of getting additional card packs; can you earn cards outside of cash purchases? Can you buy booster packs with any sort of ingame currency earned from playing?
- GOG Winter Sale is now live and they're giving away games again with a surprise each day
- Direct3D 12 to Vulkan project VKD3D-Proton v2.14 out now with various performance improvements
- GE-Proton 9-21 released for Linux / Steam Deck bringing more game fixes
- The Witcher IV revealed with Ciri as the protagonist
- Core Keeper developer announced KYORA that looks suspiciously like Terraria where "every pixel is yours to shape"
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Steam Replay for 2024 is live to show off all those hou…
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Steam Replay for 2024 is live to show off all those hou…
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Steam Replay for 2024 is live to show off all those hou…
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Steam Replay for 2024 is live to show off all those hou…
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Steam Replay for 2024 is live to show off all those hou…
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