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Latest Comments by Luke_Nukem
Age of Fear: The Undead King & Age of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord Now On SteamOS & Linux
15 November 2015 at 6:06 pm UTC Likes: 2

Come on people, of course it's low budget, it's indie. Give them a break!
Might pick it up later.

FortressCraft Evolved exits early access, SteamOS & Linux now fully supported, but buggy
15 November 2015 at 6:03 pm UTC

If that's his attitude, in glad I didn't give him any cash.

Still a damn shame though, I really hope he comes around, and solves the issue.

Steam Machines, Steam Link & Steam Controller Officially Released & SteamOS Sale
10 November 2015 at 10:08 pm UTC Likes: 3

You know, the lack of punch in the release is all down to developers and publishers not doing what they should.
Blame them, not Valve.

Sunday Section: What Was Your Biggest Linux Gaming Letdown So Far This Year?
3 November 2015 at 5:54 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestThe only game I was looking forward to playing a bit of was Storm United. That it hangs my entire system and thus has been the only game I've ever gone for a refund with, makes it the biggest letdown for me.

Seriously? It's in alpha, or pre-alpha. It's in absolutely no-way finished. The least you could have done is try to figure out what was causing it. What drivers/gfx card were you using?

Sunday Section: What Was Your Biggest Linux Gaming Letdown So Far This Year?
1 November 2015 at 8:54 pm UTC Likes: 2

Man, I'm just dying to play Carmageddon. I was seriously hoping to see it this year.

Larian Rep Responds To Criticism Over The Linux Delay Of Divinity: Original Sin
23 October 2015 at 8:47 pm UTC Likes: 2


Excuses. One after the other. They created an expectation, then failed to live up to it. They then made a series of poor choices, and took on too much work which then compounded it.

It sounds as if they have actual separate code forks for each platform, with a Windows code base being the main focus, and the other forks needing to be manually updated to that Windows branch. If this is the case.... Fuck me. They need to read a few books.

The proper, and should also be the *only* way to do it, is one freaking code base, with the platform code nicely compartmentalised so that the removal or addition of one absolutely does not affect the rest of the code.

Again and again, I see a heap of developers who seem to have just made seriously poor engine design choices, and don't know quite how to manage a multi-platform project. Do you know what other game has this exact same problem? Reflex, the Quake 3 style FPS. Promised Linux/OSX, focused on Windows + DirectX only. So fuck'em.

Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition Delayed For Linux, Again
21 October 2015 at 5:47 pm UTC Likes: 2

It's got echoes of Carmageddon all over.
I backed that game just for the Linux port, how long have we waited for that now?

Correction: ASTRONEER The Beautiful Sandbox Game Might Come To Linux
17 October 2015 at 10:23 pm UTC Likes: 4

I too, get seriously fucking annoyed with that whole PC/Mac/Linux thing.

Sorry, I didn't realise my laptop was no longer a PC once I installed Linux and OSX on it.

The GOL Game Jam Is Really Happening Soon!
14 October 2015 at 7:09 pm UTC

Damn. I was hoping it would be next month, after exam finals.
Might still have a go, see if I can work some study subjects into it

Firewatch, The Stunning First-person Adventure Game To Release On 9th February 2016 For Linux
12 October 2015 at 6:39 pm UTC

Heck yeah! Hadn't heard of it til now, but looks damned good.