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Latest Comments by Luke_Nukem
Valve Is Trolling Us With A New Half-Life 3 Leak
10 October 2015 at 11:09 am UTC Likes: 9

Man, I hope to hell that it becomes a Linux exclusive. That would seriously get a lot of knickers in twists.

Alien: Isolation Delayed For Linux
29 September 2015 at 9:42 am UTC Likes: 1

This is a good thing for me; I've got some assignments due and an exam coming up :/

Stellaris, An Ambitious Space Grand Strategy Game By Paradox, Announced & Coming To Linux
7 August 2015 at 9:51 am UTC Likes: 1

Exciting times! Thanks Paradox, if you're reading this (I bet someone on the team is), keep up the excellent work.

Slipstream Is A Promising Looking Fake 3D Racer, Demo Available
12 July 2015 at 8:07 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestJava, ouch :(. It was too good to be true…

Indeed ouch. But it actually makes a lot of sense as a design decision; the game is simplistic, Java is cross platform.

Torque 3D Game Engine 3.7 Released, Features Linux Support
2 July 2015 at 10:21 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: SslaxxWay too little, way too late.

Like.... Ten years too fucking late. I supported the pricks way back when TGEA was the initial push for a modern renderer. Once they started focusing on only DX and Windows I pretty much fell out of that scene.

Still a nice engine, with some very cool innovations, but yeah. I'm using either GoDot, Unreal Engine, or any number of other well supported Linux based engines.

DiRT Showdown Looks Like It's Getting A Linux Release
1 July 2015 at 11:54 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ElectricPrismI hated GRID, I can't remember if I ever bought a DIRT game and if I liked it or not. I can't wait for a Burnout Paradise type racing game or Twisted Metal racing game - maybe I should get Distance since it's a little surreal.

My eyes are open, I'm so glad I spent the same price of a PS4 on a GTX 970 - The PC Gaming Age has arrived, and it's awesome :)

Burnout Paradise runs extremely well in Wine. Right down to the joypad support.

DiRT Showdown Looks Like It's Getting A Linux Release
1 July 2015 at 9:17 pm UTC

I must be one of very few people who is actually excited to see Showdown come to Steam.

I LOOOOOOOOOVE destruction derby style games. And it's been a long long time since there was a decent one available.