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Latest Comments by Boldos
Total War: WARHAMMER is still coming to Linux, being ported by Feral Interactive
6 August 2016 at 3:57 pm UTC

Meh, yet another fantasy bs :><:
I! Want! 40k!

The new Master of Orion is now on Linux
23 April 2016 at 12:12 pm UTC

Although it is great to have this game within Linux portfolio too, it is hard to imagine it might - success-wise - stand a chance in front of Star Ruler 2, Stardrive 2 and, mainly, Stellaris...

The Talos Principle beta updated, Vulkan performance improvements & optimizations
14 April 2016 at 5:40 pm UTC

Quoting: OlliC
Quoting: GuestUsing 361.42 driver but I'm pretty sure they pushed Vulkan support into this stable version of the driver...

I think vulkan support starts with 364. Write "vulkaninfo" in terminal to check your vulkan capabilities.
Nope, no such thing as "vulkaninfo" is known to my terminal (using 364.15).
Is it part of any package?

The Talos Principle beta updated, Vulkan performance improvements & optimizations
13 April 2016 at 6:08 pm UTC

Hmmmpfff - only a lack screen when I turn Vulkan on.....
Quite unfortunate :(

PAYDAY 2 on Linux & SteamOS, some thoughts & port report
25 March 2016 at 1:00 pm UTC

Hmmm - the game crashes short after I try to log onto an MP mission or after I enter the safehouse. Anyone seen the same issue?

Ashes of the Singularity developer thinks Vulkan will make Linux gaming viable
22 March 2016 at 10:42 am UTC

Quoting: GuestValve needs to finally drop some Vulkan games!
I believe Valve is actually waiting for Vulkan with their further Linux / SteamOS / Steam Machine content.
It is also understandable there will be a delay between publishing of Vulkan specs and publishing of first Vulkan products...

GOL Asks: What have you been playing recently?
16 March 2016 at 1:32 pm UTC

Mainly Star Ruler 2, Star Drive 2, a little bit X3, and Civ V.
Oh - and Factorio of course :)

Ashes of the Singularity developer thinks Vulkan will make Linux gaming viable
13 March 2016 at 1:28 pm UTC

Played the beta.
Unfortunately, the game is nothing "special". I would even go as far as stating that it was a mild disappointment.
It has good graphics, yes. It has an amazing soundtrack, yes.

But from the RTS perspective? You have two factions. For both, you have howertanks. Then, for both, you have bigger howertanks. After that, you have - for both - really big howertanks. Fail to see anything extra or worth it? Well, me too...

Of course, it is beta (there are 0 differences between beta1 and bet2 in gameplay). The singleplayer campaign is not there yet, but I doubt that will be a major game-changer.

All in all, interesting RTS (basically only worth looking at because of [promised] Vulkan+Linux combo ), but nothing really worth the time..... I would say it is actually quite a dull gameplay...

(Dawn of War (both I and II) made way bigger difference in RTS, even Planetary Annihilation is really more interesting and fun than AOTS - and you do not need 2 PCs in parallel to achieve decent FPS results for any of those :))