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Albion Online MMO content update Brutus is now live, much better overall
27 January 2016 at 5:41 pm UTC

I'm looking forward to it. It'd be nice to have a decent MMO in Linux.

Master of Orion officially confirmed for Linux & SteamOS by Wargaming
27 January 2016 at 5:22 pm UTC

Coming from someone who never played the older ones, I'm interested. If it looks like it'll have fun multiplayer, I'm very interested. I don't have any 4X games right now that I'm not done with.

Death by Game Show is a really weird strategy game now on Linux, some thoughts
26 January 2016 at 2:35 am UTC

Maybe you have reason not to, but it'd be cool if you made videos with commentary of you playing the game. They wouldn't necessarily have to be really long like giantbomb quick looks, but a few minutes of real gameplay + commentary goes nicely with a trailer and text.

Door Kickers 2 strategy game announced, Linux support confirmed too
18 January 2016 at 3:24 pm UTC

I'll get it if it has co-op. :) If it doesn't... it'll have to wait until I get through more of my single player games.

Hit indie game Undertale looks like it's coming to Linux & SteamOS
18 January 2016 at 3:22 pm UTC Likes: 1

My only interest is because of the hype (doesn't mean I'll buy it). I don't buy very many 2D games because I think they're overdone. Hello, I have powerful gaming machines and I want nice visuals. I do own a couple 2D games that were released in the last 5 years or so, but not a lot. That said, I'm glad to see that this one is coming to Linux. When I saw a Steam friend playing it this weekend, I looked at the game's store page and was a little surprised that it wasn't on Linux. I stopped looking at it after that.

Homefront: The Revolution aiming for a day-1 Linux & SteamOS release on May 20th
12 January 2016 at 5:53 pm UTC

Really?! Sweet! I just heard about this game and presumed I'd want it for PS4. That will probably change now.

We Are The Dwarves, a real-time tactics game is coming to Linux, and it looks awesome
11 January 2016 at 8:24 pm UTC

Despite being only single player, I am actually interested in this one. The gameplay looks unique enough.

Rocket League will be on SteamOS & Linux before the Xbox One in February
7 January 2016 at 5:57 pm UTC Likes: 2

Rocket League was a big reason I was booting into Windows not long ago. It will be great to uninstall it from Windows and move it to Linux!

Had I had a PS4 earlier on, I would have purchased Rocket League on that system. It doesn't help out Linux a whole lot to do that, but it helps ween me off of Windows. That's what I plan to do with games that are not on Linux and aren't planning to go to Linux. My Windows 7 drive will only live for so long.

Arma 3 Linux port update in testing, possible BattlEye support to come too
6 January 2016 at 3:40 pm UTC

As a person who doesn't own the game yet but has played a couple of the free weekends (and Battle Royale mod), Arma 3 coming to Linux is great news. It stinks that a Linux player will be held back from the full multiplayer experience, but for me, I could live without those features for a while since I haven't used them yet. I'd hope Teamspeak integration would happen sooner than later since there are official TS Linux servers and clients -- it wouldn't be completely new development ground for them. Despite trying to be optimistic, I would be a little hesitant to buy it for Linux if I couldn't play Battle Royale. Hmm....