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Review: Bound By Flame on Linux
4 January 2016 at 7:31 pm UTC

Thanks for the review. I may actually buy the game someday now.

Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition for Linux & SteamOS is in testing
2 December 2015 at 5:48 pm UTC Likes: 1

w00t, been waiting. Have resisted installing on Windows.

AMD Radeon Software Crimson Driver Announced, Completely Redesigned From The Ground Up
6 November 2015 at 3:48 pm UTC

While I never minded Catalyst in the past 10 years, I know others avoid AMD cards purely based on their driver management software, update cycle, and frequency of problems. I can't say I had the same bad experiences they did when I ran AMD cards, but I sure appreciate the stronger Linux support that Nvidia has had.

Larian Rep Responds To Criticism Over The Linux Delay Of Divinity: Original Sin
3 November 2015 at 1:59 am UTC

I do like that they are going to do the port themselves instead of a different development studio. That's what is often done when a game is created on console first and then ported to PC even.

Sunday Section: What Was Your Biggest Linux Gaming Letdown So Far This Year?
3 November 2015 at 1:51 am UTC

I'd have to say Shadow of Mordor because when I think about it I feel disappointed rather than "super sweet experience." It ran well and looked great on Arch. My conclusion is my expectation was too high. One of my friends said it was his GOTY when it came out, and it looked very good and fun. It was fun, but it felt too similar to Assassin's Creed and Batman. It also made me realize that I'm not really into open world games. So, *shrug* I don't blame the game, but it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. I did beat it though.

A Good & Honest Video About The Alienware Steam Machine
2 November 2015 at 6:00 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: supashangCase in point, how many people bought and played "Witcher 2", "Alien: Isolation" or "Shadow or Mordor" on Windows months/years before they arrived on Linux? I know I did.
By the time those titles arrived on Linux many people had completed them on Windows anyway. Where is the incentive to play them again just because it feels fluffy to now have them in your Steam Linux library? Is that going to make SteamOS a success?!
You know I'm right, but can you admit it?
If AAA gaming on Linux means that all I am getting is stale old Windows AAA titles, I'd rather check out the thousands of Indie titles and be happy find diamonds in the rough there, rather that being able to say "Yep, I have that too on my Linux Steam" to Windows AAA gamers.

Now for day one release AAA on Windows/Mac/Linux, that is another matter. Full steam ahead.
You may be right about the marketing and business success of SteamOS with AAA game availability being a prime factor. That said, I wanted to mention the niche I'm in. I don't pay full release price for very many games. I wait until they're on sale because I have other financial goals. A lot of times, if a game is going to come to Linux, it's already out or around the corner when the game hits nice sale prices. Yes, I end up buying games 6-12 months after initial release. It hasn't been a problem for me. I in fact did not buy Witcher 2 or Shadow of Mordor until they released on Linux, and Linux support was a big reason I purchased (and beat) them. I don't have Witcher 3 despite good prices because I heard it was coming to Linux. I don't mind waiting at this present time because I still have a backlog of games. If I was bored of my library, which is more like a historical event than a recent memory, I probably would have Witcher 3 by now.

I also buy must-have games on Windows that the publisher has no history of porting to Linux before (MGS).

Albion Online MMORPG Closed Beta Date Announced
29 October 2015 at 8:21 pm UTC

I look forward to another MMO on Linux. (The only other one I've tried is Star Conflict.) I've gotten games like GW2 and EVE to work in Linux over Wine, but I don't use Wine anymore and am trying to avoid it. Maybe I'll use Wine after Windows 7 loses support (since I will not be getting Windows 10 ever). The less I have to annoyingly boot into Windows the better. Currently, the only reason are some games and VMWare.

Speaking of EVE... man, if that game had Linux support, I would re-buy it.

The Witcher 2 Has A New Beta For Linux, The Improvements Are Staggering
21 October 2015 at 6:59 pm UTC

I played through the Witcher 2 from start to finish on Mint. This was several months ago. I run Arch now. I have a GTX 760 and I believe I played it on Medium so it would be smooth. I'm happy to hear about the improvements. My experience wasn't too bad. I think it crashed maybe three times in my entire playthrough. I'm looking forward to the Witcher 3 port at this point! That's when I will buy it.