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Latest Comments by Arehandoro
Total War: ATTILA looks like it's preparing a Linux & SteamOS version
2 December 2015 at 4:30 pm UTC

Why they never port the ones I own. I need my Shogun 2!

Good news anyway :)

Wine 1.8-rc2 released, brings more stability
29 November 2015 at 12:57 am UTC

Quoting: JudasIscariot
Quoting: ArehandoroCould someone please tell me how did he/she managed to install rc1 with winetricks and make it work? Since last update whenever I try to install a program/game wine complaints saying "bad exe format pathtothefile" and winetricks says all the time "wineserer not found". It's driving me a bit mad, can't seem to find the solution.

I saw on a forum that could be due to a broken link in one of the libs, can't remember now which one, but didn't work for me.

I simply compiled rc1 and rc2 from source and I've never seen this issue.

How are you installing WINE 1.8 anyways?

Via apt with sid repositories. I didn't think of compiling them, though. I will give it a try thanks :)

Wine 1.8-rc2 released, brings more stability
28 November 2015 at 3:50 pm UTC

Could someone please tell me how did he/she managed to install rc1 with winetricks and make it work? Since last update whenever I try to install a program/game wine complaints saying "bad exe format pathtothefile" and winetricks says all the time "wineserer not found". It's driving me a bit mad, can't seem to find the solution.

I saw on a forum that could be due to a broken link in one of the libs, can't remember now which one, but didn't work for me.

Wine 1.8-rc2 released, brings more stability
28 November 2015 at 12:24 am UTC

Is the error "wineserver not found" solved in this rc2?

A 2015 Thanksgiving Retrospection About The Open Source Project 'xoreos'
27 November 2015 at 10:41 am UTC Likes: 3

I can't be thankful enough to people working in this, or similar projects, for their hard work and contribution to the gaming/Linux/FLOSS community. Looking forward to see more of it!

Feral Interactive have a big sale on their store
27 November 2015 at 10:38 am UTC

By the way, nothing about that secret game was going to be ported? More than a week has gone already.

Feral Interactive have a big sale on their store
26 November 2015 at 5:07 pm UTC

I wish they port Shogun 2 for us too.

A big Steam sale is now on, get some cheap games for Linux & SteamOS
26 November 2015 at 9:51 am UTC Likes: 1

I promised myself not to buy more games until I finished more of the ones I already own. You're not helping posting this sales, though xD

GOL Asks: What have you been playing on Linux & SteamOS recently?
23 November 2015 at 8:28 pm UTC Likes: 2

After finishing Shadow of Mordor, I am now playing The Witcher 2 and my annual play of Grim Fandango remastered.