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Latest Comments by Arehandoro
Road Redemption Combat Racer Fixed Up For Linux & SteamOS, Performs Well Now
20 November 2015 at 4:23 pm UTC Likes: 4

That's a quick fix! I'm glad it's all solved now.

You shouldn't have to explain yourself about posting things earlier or later to be honest so I appreciate your effort/dedication.

Feral Interactive are teasing yet another SteamOS & Linux game
20 November 2015 at 3:11 pm UTC

Quoting: maodzedun
Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: GuestToo bad it wasn't FO4.
Everything I've read suggests to me that Fallout 4 is crap, at least if you're a fan of RPGs. It's less of a roleplaying game and more of an FPS with RPG elements. I'll stick with Wasteland 2 for my post-apocalyptic RPG fix.

The game is as buggy as any Bethesda game (which is very) but anybody who liked Fallout 3 and New Vegas will love 4 and vice versa. But if you already hated F3 and NV, I don't see why you had to wait for reviews to know you won't like it. It's a Bethesda game - if you're not into their games, whether it's a Fallout game or TES you should automatically know it's not for you.
And btw Fallout 4's main strength IS the role-playing. Maybe you can't tweak as many stats as in Wasteland but in terms of actual role-playing F4 is leaps and bounds ahead.

Actually, comparing Fallout 3/4 with New Vegas is like comparing Baldur's Gate with Diablo. I did enjoy all them, don't get me wrong, but the role-playing part in F3 or Diablo are quite limited.

EDIT: Well, maybe saying Diablo is exaggerating a bit but I guess we all get the idea.

Wine Is Now In A Code Freeze For Wine 1.8
20 November 2015 at 9:19 am UTC

DX11 implementation would be great. I still have faith in The Witcher 3 and on the Galaxy client Linux versions too.

Feral Interactive are teasing yet another SteamOS & Linux game
19 November 2015 at 3:52 pm UTC

Quoting: KeyrockI would argue New Vegas is part of the main series despite not being a numbered entry on account of playing like the other games. 1,2,3, New Vegas, and 4 are all essentially the same type of game, despite the change in perspective and game mechanics going from 2 to 3, whereas Tactics is an entirely different genre of game altogether. It's the same way that I would consider AssCreed Brotherhood, Revelations, etc. as being part of the main series, whereas I would consider Chronicles as spin-off.

This is not the place to argue about this really but, in my opinion, Tactics has more similarities to Classic Fallouts than 3 or 4. New Vegas is indeed much closer to the classics too.

Let's go back to the topic: For some reason I thought of Dishonored at the beginning too but reading the song's lyrics Fallout came to my mind.

Feral Interactive are teasing yet another SteamOS & Linux game
19 November 2015 at 3:13 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Keyrock
Quoting: ArehandoroDon't forget Fallout Tactics.
It could be argued that Fallout Tactics is not part of the main series, rather a spin-off.

So could be with New Vegas ;)

Feral Interactive are teasing yet another SteamOS & Linux game
19 November 2015 at 12:02 pm UTC

Quoting: dlf
Quoting: Nyamiou
Quoting: WikipediaThe Royal Scam is the fifth album ...
Need I say more?

For someone like me who more than likely wouldn't see the connection, yes. Fallout 4 being the 5th of the fallout franchise - (1/2/3/New Vegas/4) . . .?

Don't forget Fallout Tactics.

GOL's Linux & SteamOS gamer survey results for November
18 November 2015 at 1:28 pm UTC

I've always used Gnome though starting to get tired of it. Not really sure what are the advantages/disadvantages of using Kde/Cinnamon? In terms of gaming and if any, I mean. In regards of design I think Cinnamon is my sort of desktop/design I like too as I've seen in some videos.