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Microsoft's latest tactics show Gabe Newell of Valve was right to worry
2 March 2016 at 11:43 am UTC Likes: 3

Embrace, extend, exterminate. Typical M$, no surprises here. Everyone knew it was going to happen. SteamOs is born just for this day.

I'm optimistic though. I think M$ moves to late and to slow. Valve isn't the only big company with their own marketplace on PC. Just to name the biggest two: Activision Blizzard and RIOT. Which means we could see more linux support.

Now... I wouldn't bet a penny on RIOT, they are not that smart. They aim at overthrowing the superbowl as the event of the year more than at expanding their gaming business (a game publisher with one game with one map and one playing mode? Come on!! :P ).
But for what concerns Blizzard I have this feeling that they have already included linux in their long term plans... at least as an option in case M$ went aggressive with win 10. To be honest I think they jumped on Vulkan only because they now target casual gamers on mobile (who knew 10 years ago Blizzard would disgrace itself like that :'( ). But with it they automatically came closer to linux nevertheless so they took it as a free bonus.
It is already known that they have talented developers and that they have internal linux releases for some games (wow). Maybe this event could prompt the management to walk the last mile, bring on linux and integrate their launcher with SteamOs.