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Latest Comments by Naib
Discord username system changing to make it easier to find people
5 May 2023 at 2:11 pm UTC Likes: 3

This is going to be total chaos...
tags will be taken, all server rooms permissions will need to be (manually) re-applied and you are not going to know who is who for quite some time...

Prodeus cancels the Native Linux version, focusing on Proton compatibility (updated)
6 September 2022 at 6:49 pm UTC Likes: 4

Well I feel a bit of a mug for getting this when I did...
Only reason I backed was linux-native ... the alternative (as I was interested) was wait till release, wait till sales and pick up a windows game for cheap...

Yes teh game is fun, yes it runs well in Proton but that wasn't why I handed over my money early..

I won't be buying any of their future games and I will only buy full-price if native AND released, otherwise sales.

bad form... really bad form.

PipeWire is the future for Linux audio and I am sold on it
28 February 2022 at 8:25 pm UTC Likes: 10

We did try to tell you :)

Dota 2 gets another new hero with Primal Beast, Techies reworked
24 February 2022 at 2:56 pm UTC

Ha! So they made the primal beast from the dungeon run a hero... Interesting

And finally techies gets a slap! He is an obnoxious pain either to the opposition OR to their own team as 99% they are fucking useless

Dota 2 on Linux gets upgraded to use the newer Steam runtime container
31 January 2022 at 5:46 pm UTC

for quite some time the UI for DOTA2 has been painfully laggy (ingame was fine). Now it's better.

Beyond All Reason is shaping up to be a truly massive RTS
18 November 2021 at 1:44 pm UTC

oh my, this could be dangerous for my free time

Dota 2 gets a new hero with Marci and DOTA: Dragon's Blood gets a new Season 2 trailer
30 October 2021 at 10:42 am UTC Likes: 4

good to see S2 is on its way, the kids love it.

The only problem with new hero introduction is everyone spam-picks them and well ... ruins games :)
Give it a few weeks. From what I have seen she has crazy burst damage

Hugely popular mobile roguelike Shattered Pixel Dungeon is coming to Steam
20 October 2021 at 7:35 pm UTC

I have lost soo many hours to this, the shear frustration as you die as not every game is even remotely winnable!
Shattered is by the best (and hardest) adaptation for PixelDungeons but it went a bit off the track with all the Elixers so much so that they is soo much stuff you craft, you don't stand a chance to remember so you end up not doing it and in doing that you weaken yourself as you progress.

Over time they have removed some of the cheezy tactics and right now each boss is very unique and hard in their own way.

At the moment I am lucky if I get to the final boss maybe once in 10-20 games

Dota 2 to drop OpenGL and 32bit, Vulkan default on Linux and TI 21 tickets on September 22
17 September 2021 at 9:34 am UTC

That might explain why the vulkan cache feature has been broken for the last 3weeks... Something is in the works

It's a bit annoying having to play with cache disabled at the moment as it takes a good few minutes for the interface and game to smooth out, but this is all completed before stuff really happens

Polychromatic front-end for managing Razer hardware on Linux gets an overhaul
12 August 2021 at 9:23 am UTC

Good good,

The WebKit was a PITA to build.
There is probably a new openRazor release soon as there are a number of fixes as well as a number of devices are queued for merging (including my nice keyboard \o/ )