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Latest Comments by dvd
HITMAN looks like it's coming to SteamOS & Linux
10 June 2016 at 9:40 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: GuestI'm not at all surprised that game developers don't want to publish on Linux when the very small amount of gamers on it refuse to buy games because of DRM

I think almost no one on the site says they won't buy a game if it contains DRM. (The people that vehemently opposed to DRM wouldn't even have a steam account) The specific method mentioned though is quite pathetic imo, as there are a multitude of circumstances that can leave you without an internet connection, and thus unable to play your game.

Life Is Strange is coming to Linux & SteamOS by Feral Interactive
9 June 2016 at 7:07 pm UTC

I liked this game so much i played it with wine. It'll be fun playing it once again. :) Thanks to Feral for the great ports!

Minecraft 1.10 released, adds Polar Bears and more
9 June 2016 at 12:59 pm UTC Likes: 1

I play Voxelands on and off, played a lot of Minecraft a few years back. I think the libre alternatives are on par with it by now though.