Latest Comments by Ehvis
The curious tale of vanishing Linux & SteamOS ports, a status on a few of them
20 July 2016 at 9:18 pm UTC

Quoting: AnxiousInfusion
Quoting: pete910We should see a Linux version "around launch".

Cheers for that :D

If you want to keep believing it, stay away from the more recent interviews.

Life is Strange episode 1 will be free from tomorrow, no exact word on Linux release yet
20 July 2016 at 7:48 pm UTC

The cryptic Feral message is probably related to Life is Strange Mac coming to Steam since it is listed for Steam in the linked pic.

The programmer of Antraxx, a massively multiplayer mech shooter says Linux is a definite option
19 July 2016 at 7:57 pm UTC Likes: 1

Yep. Windows is an option for me too. It will never happen, but the option is there.

The curious tale of vanishing Linux & SteamOS ports, a status on a few of them
18 July 2016 at 4:11 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: BeamboomI fear we eventually will have to add Star Citizen to this list too :(

The closest thing I heard them actually say about supporting anything other than Windows was that they'd look at it when Vulkan was out and that they definitely had no intention of doing OpenGL. I suppose their CryEngine fork is too modified to simply add the Linux stuff from CryTek.

The curious tale of vanishing Linux & SteamOS ports, a status on a few of them
18 July 2016 at 10:27 am UTC

Quoting: leillo1975I'm also waiting for Mad Max but I have the feeling (perhaps the hope) that this game will be released soon.

Since this has the markings of a Feral port, it will be Feral soon. :D I imagine this one will be a little harder to do because it requires good performance and probably needs to be in the same optimisation level as Shadow of Mordor.

The thing that was most annoying about this one is that it was supposed to be released for Linux. Then it was not going to happen. And then it turned out there was stuff happening in Steam without mention. Is it so hard to say up front that it will come, but (much) later?

The curious tale of vanishing Linux & SteamOS ports, a status on a few of them
18 July 2016 at 9:11 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: Shutup-FoolI'm still pissed about Project Cars too.

That one probably deserves the top spot because it was the original developer that would support it. First as same day release, then with some delay. Now it's a year further without a single word.

I'm glad I have absolutely no desire to pre-order things.

Looks like Shadow of Mordor has bad graphical bugs with Nvidia 364.12
17 July 2016 at 7:34 pm UTC Likes: 1

All they've said is that an update including a fix is in the works. No mention of a release date, but if you have problems you can request access to the beta.

System Shock Pre-Alpha Demo now available on Linux, nearing stretch goal
17 July 2016 at 12:03 pm UTC

For a game in confined spaces, the just below 60 fps average I got is quite low indeed. Not a problem for a pre-alpha though. Also, Vulkan should be coming this year, so than alone should help it by the time this is released. Which I expect will be well into 2018 (haven't seen an accurate release date yet).

Worms W.M.D should now be a day-1 Linux & SteamOS release
14 July 2016 at 1:55 pm UTC Likes: 1

So why is there a Saints Row IV logo in the overview picture?

Day of the Tentacle Now Available On Linux
12 July 2016 at 12:02 pm UTC Likes: 1

@Cheeseness, Good job on the mighty penguin showing purple tentacle who's boss. Love that picture!