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Latest Comments by Ehvis
Mighty No. 9 delayed for Linux
21 June 2016 at 7:32 pm UTC

I wonder. Would this be a decent game if you've never played Megaman and weren't a part of the Kickstarter drama?

LIMBO is free on Steam for 24 hours, grab it while you can
21 June 2016 at 7:16 pm UTC

Nice. Now to find time for it. ^_^

Only the second time I've seen a 100% off game on Steam.

Buy games from G2A? You should just stop already, tinyBuild lost out on approx $450K of sales
20 June 2016 at 11:41 pm UTC

Quoting: DrMcCoy...You can region-lock the key itself, so that it's only usable in Russia?

Steam supports that, but it's not used in practice. Back when Witcher 3 was on pre-order, there was mayhem because Russians were trading them for CSGO items and there was talk of region locking them. But they didn't and only prevented trading. I suspect there are legal issues with locking out owned games.

Buy games from G2A? You should just stop already, tinyBuild lost out on approx $450K of sales
20 June 2016 at 11:28 pm UTC

And in a perfect world, that would be fine. But the practice is that the cheap Russian purchases get put on G2A for the rest of the world to buy. It sucks, but there is no good solution for this.

Buy games from G2A? You should just stop already, tinyBuild lost out on approx $450K of sales
20 June 2016 at 11:10 pm UTC

Quoting: wvstolzing
Quoting: DrMcCoy
Quoting: EhvisFor instance, let the cheap Russian version only have the Russian language
Limiting language selection is pretty crummy for expats living in places where they don't speak the local language well enough.

Off-topic, but I completely agree with this. Another case is that of using games for language practice. I hate it when region locks of any sort block my access to German and French versions of games.

Playing a long RPG, or a strategy in a foreign language is a great immersion technique.

Obviously they need to allow paying full price for the international version.

Anyway, not doing that means you get G2A. And since it's perfectly legal, there's not much that can be done about it. And you can be sure that most will not consider the ethical implications of it.

Buy games from G2A? You should just stop already, tinyBuild lost out on approx $450K of sales
20 June 2016 at 8:38 pm UTC Likes: 2

I agree that the whole G2A thing is extremely questionable. What I don't get is why they don't limit the cheap versions of the games sold in other countries. For instance, let the cheap Russian version only have the Russian language. Then they'd be instantly useless for the rest of the world.

What are you playing this weekend?
18 June 2016 at 7:13 pm UTC Likes: 1

I'm pondering whether it's a good time to start the Saints Row series with Saints Row 2. In addition to continuing my Shadow of Mordor playthrough.

Want to build a DRM free theme park? Parkitect is now on GOG with Linux support
18 June 2016 at 2:58 pm UTC

The DRM free is not actually something that has to do with the GOG release. It was always DRM free via their website (through the Humble store). Which also gives you the option of activating it on Steam as well.

Valve has a problem brewing with user reviews and bots
10 June 2016 at 1:33 pm UTC

I also noticed a large amount of negative reviews on Wasteland 2. All with less than half an hour of play time. Looks like someone is using the free weekend to take down the rating.

Valve obviously still has some issues to sort out in the review system.

Volition say it's too early to tell if Agents of Mayhem will come to Linux
7 June 2016 at 3:11 pm UTC Likes: 3

These days an interesting question would be whether the game is developed primarily in Vulkan. Or even DX12. Both should make the porting effort a whole lot easier.