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Humble Choice for June has Risk of Rain 2, LEGO 2K Drive, Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector and more
15 June 2024 at 12:54 pm UTC

Quoting: TimeFreeze
Quoting: JarmerOut of these, I've only played the Lego racing game. It's a perfect little game for the Deck! Runs well, and is very arcadey and fun which is great for short sessions. Definitely recommend.

I had interest initially when it got announced. Then i saw that it requires a 3rd party: 2k account. And since then its on my ignore list.

The game asks you to log-in/create a 2k account for cross platform multiplayer and cross platform save states. But you can skip that if you don't want to use these features.

After a long wait, Psychonauts 2 has an official Linux version now
11 June 2022 at 5:10 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: tuubiIs there a good use case for exclusive full screen these days besides working around DE/compositor quirks? I tend to always pick borderless window if it's available. I haven't seen a downside yet on my system.

Frankly, I can't think of one, quite the opposite to be honest. I can remember back in the day (2005-2010) it was way worse than nowadays, because games would pretty much always change the resolution of the screen, alt-tab was not possible, when the game crashed the screen resolution stayed at the wrong resolution, etc. Back in the day I used to launch games in their own X11 session/server because of these issues.

Borderless fullscreen windows pretty much fixed all of these issues and I can't think of a game where I don't use borderless when it's available.

It's only strange in the case of this game, because they mention exclusive fullscreen in the options, but it's not available.

After a long wait, Psychonauts 2 has an official Linux version now
11 June 2022 at 6:33 am UTC

Quoting: undeadbydawnThe Native build is pointless. It does not offer Fullscreen play or any resolution adjustments. It also gives a blackbar at the bottom of the screen. Proton functions perfectly.

I truly, genuinely do not understand at all why they bothered with a Linux port just to completely half-arse it.

Huh that's strange, I don't have a black bar on the bottom of the screen on either of my systems (Intel, nvidia or AMD). But I use Gnome on all of them. Maybe the game has a problem with KDE?

But yeah, it's strange that they don't offer real fullscreen (only borderless and window), but I'm not sure if that happened with the latest update or if the release version also already had that issue.

After a long wait, Psychonauts 2 has an official Linux version now
25 May 2022 at 1:22 pm UTC Likes: 6

Well, I couldn't resist and bought it after hearing that the port runs great. 😅
I've only played through the first/training mission, and so far the game is a blast and runs really well (after deactivating vsync). 😄

After a long wait, Psychonauts 2 has an official Linux version now
25 May 2022 at 5:48 am UTC

Quoting: GuestOf course they didn't try very hard with this port. It's not even a proper GNU+Linux native version, it's the Windows version running in a wrapper iirc. And they're asking for £55 too!

Do they just distribute the game with a version of WINE/proton, or did they come up with their own wrapper (like Virtual Programming did)?

They game does seem really interesting and I also have the first game, but for this price I'd rather wait till there are videos and reports online showing how well it runs (I don't want to repeat what happened with the Witcher 2 where it took months before the port was really playable).

HP teamed up with System76 for the HP Dev One laptop with Pop!_OS Linux
24 May 2022 at 1:09 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: pageroundIt has me interested. Hows the Zbook been, how would you rate its repairability?

So far I'm really happy with it. Worked with Linux OOTB from day 1 and apparently they also started to distribute firmware updates via fwupd (at least gnome-software told me that an update for the firmware is available, but I always update directly from the UEFI via internet).

They also have quite an in depth maintenance and service guide online and from the looks of it, you can pretty much replace every part (even the display is split up in multiple parts and not only one like it was with my Dell XPS). Only bad thing about my model is, that the RAM is not upgradable because of the Nvidia GPU.

All in all it's kinda a better experience than the XPS 13-9360 that I had before (Dell basically switched out the whole computer, twice).

Though I can't say if this is also true for other models/product lines besides Zbooks.

HP teamed up with System76 for the HP Dev One laptop with Pop!_OS Linux
23 May 2022 at 6:32 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: pageroundI wonder if the case is made of metal or plastic. Looks nice and very cool to see more companies preinstalling a linux distro.

It'looks pretty much 1:1 to my Zbook Firefly14 G7 (minor differences with speaker grills, hp logo, finger print reader, webcam array) and that has an aluminium body. So I'd guess this one will also be build out of aluminium.

What have you been tapping play on recently? Let us know
6 June 2021 at 3:24 pm UTC Likes: 1

Euro Truck Simulator 2 told myself that I only get the base game when it was on sale last week. Well so far I've bought pretty much all of the map DLC. 😅