Latest Comments by Zlopez
About Linux games being delayed: A chat with several game developers and porters
21 April 2017 at 6:55 am UTC Likes: 3

Very good insight into linux game porting background.

But this
QuoteMany game developers are not even super users so getting around on a Linux distro can be a challenge to the average developer. Even translating what a Linux player has in a bug report they send to a developer can be a challenge.
makes me very sad. I'm a developer myself (not a game developer) and I can't understand how somebody can even use the Microsoft OS for developing. I tried it for a few years and I never want to go back there. Only thing that makes this system useful for developing is MinGW. But this is only a small substitute for a Linux OS.

The Jupiter Hell developers are showing how a Kickstarter is done properly
13 April 2017 at 5:41 am UTC

I'm proud to be a backer of this project. It turns out it was good investment.

Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter is now officially on Linux
24 February 2017 at 7:34 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: slaapliedjeI can't help but think the next big VR technology push though is going to have something to do with sex toys...

These kind of VR is already existing in Japan.

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Total War: SHOGUN 2 looks like it will be heading to Linux & SteamOS
22 February 2017 at 7:46 am UTC

Quoting: ellie_feralEvery Tuesday at 1PM UK time, Sam (from Feral) and Liam (from, well, here) get their Dawn of War II on. You should join them if you have time. Liam streams it and everything.

Unfortunatelly I'm in work at this time.

Total War: SHOGUN 2 looks like it will be heading to Linux & SteamOS
20 February 2017 at 4:09 pm UTC Likes: 3

I only hope, thre will be a cross platform multiplayer. Right now, I want to play the Total War: Warhammer with my friends, but all of them are playing on Windows and this "incompatible versions" error is quite annoying. Same with the DOW 2, I played all of the single campaings in all DOW 2 games on Linux, but I'm unable to find any multiplayer game. There were problem to find a game even on Windows a year ago. Now on Linux it is almost impossible.

I knew this is not the fault of the Feral Interactive. I'ts sad, that this could be easily solved by making a dedicated servers, but this means, rewriting of multiplayer code of the game for which nobody wants to pay for. :(

Looks like Killing Floor 2 may be coming to Linux from Knockout Games
6 February 2017 at 5:03 pm UTC

I already bought it in early access, when I still used Windows (I already get rid of it) for gaming. Didn't played it since I switched to Linux as a gaming OS.

I will be glad to see it on Linux, I spent many hours in KF1.

The Linux GOTY award is now over, here are the results!
30 January 2017 at 12:29 pm UTC

I was surprised to see, that Star Citizen will come to Linux. I didn't knew that.

I also want to thanks to Feral Interactive for doing really awesome job. Their 1st place is well deserved.

Nearly five years after the Kickstarter, Carmageddon still isn’t on Linux despite the stretch goal being reached
24 January 2017 at 11:17 am UTC

Quoting: razing32To be fair ,the company that makes the engine for Kingdom Come : Deliverence, Crytek, had some really big issues.
As far as I heard the company did not pay employees for a few months and a lot of senior talent left the company.
Also their latest push into free-to-play may be a final nail in the cofin.

This is a new information for me, but I had doubt in CryEngine from beginning.

Nearly five years after the Kickstarter, Carmageddon still isn’t on Linux despite the stretch goal being reached
20 January 2017 at 7:36 am UTC

After my experience with Kingdom Cone: Deliverence (where Linux version is now only possibility) and Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade (last statement from the developer is: "Linux community is too small, so it's not priority anymore." ) I'm now backing only games, that already have playable linux demo or the developers released Linux titles before. Like Universim, Jupiter Hell or Dungeons of Aledorn.
I hope, that Linux community will grow and the developers will be punished by lower sales in the future. :)

Here’s some interesting answers from Gabe Newell and Valve from the reddit AMA
18 January 2017 at 7:48 am UTC

Quoting: GeopirateThis is a super important point that a lot of the Linux community is completely ignoring. Other gamers are not interested in dropping to the command line and searching dozens of forum posts to get a game working. We need widespread Wayland adoption and we need a smooth Vulkan experience. Nvidia dominates Windows as well as Linux to a lesser degree in the steam surveys and their driver situation needs to get worked out for Wayland. AMD's open driver is still a work in progress and HDMI audio is a major pain point still.

He did post a lengthy response about SUPPORT and that really highlights the current state of Linux gaming. Some people have already purchased real steam machines and they aren't grizzled Linux veterans so they are really disappointed with their gaming experience. Valve has to deal with this and it costs them money. I know a couple people that recently joined their support staff and they are getting PAID.

I totally agree with this.
I tried Wayland in Fedora 25 and it has still many issues, but it is faster and more stable than X, but I didn't make it work with proprietary Nvidia driver. I will try it again in future.
The previous AMD graphic card I had never worked on Linux with proprietary driver, maybe it was too old at the time. But this was a year or so back, so the situation can be better now. But I appreciate that AMD is contributing to open source driver (I wish that Nvidia would do the same).
Also the Vulkan is the step in the right way and I hope, that even Microsoft will make use of it. So you don't need to create two version of games, one for DX and one for Vulkan.
Last thing I want to add, is that the new games should be created as 64 bit application. Most of the games didn't even run in some filesystems (like XFS), because they were crashing on bigger partitions with 64 bit addressing.