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Here’s a look at some good FPS games available on Linux & SteamOS
11 October 2017 at 7:32 pm UTC

Quoting: ShmerlHow exactly is decision to be Steam exclusive (like Feral games) is related to releasing or not releasing for Linux? If anything, those who are interested in releasing for Linux, should address DRM-free gamers as their audience instead of ignroing. In fact many studios do just that quite consistently.

Sorry, but I wont go into a discussion about this subject with you. Reading your comments on this site you have quite a strong opinion on this. I can't imagine that you would hear something new from me, let alone something that would influence your views and principles.

Here’s a look at some good FPS games available on Linux & SteamOS
11 October 2017 at 7:08 pm UTC

Quoting: adamhm... but if not then oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You got my deepest respects if you are really this relaxed ;). I'm a little bit allergic against people that avoid anything like Steam on one side but tend to blame gaming studios for not supporting Linux on the other side. In my opinion you can't have everything, it is taking and giving from both sides.

As stated, if that is not the case with you and you accept that your own decisions only are the reason that you miss some games you would have enjoyed otherwise: thumbs up!

Here’s a look at some good FPS games available on Linux & SteamOS
11 October 2017 at 6:01 pm UTC

Quoting: ShmerlTheir loss.
Yeah, keep telling that to yourself ;) You miss a great game and you indirectly support the case that Linux is pointless as a platform for serious (AAA) games.

Anyway, this discussion becomes pointless. You have your views and principles, I disagree with them but I respect that. I'm happy for you if they work for you.

Here’s a look at some good FPS games available on Linux & SteamOS
11 October 2017 at 5:09 am UTC

Quoting: adamhmI'll buy it if/when it gets released on GOG/DRM-free. Until then, I have plenty of other games.
I'm sorry to say for you, but I guess then you will never play this one.

Here’s a look at some good FPS games available on Linux & SteamOS
10 October 2017 at 9:36 pm UTC

Quoting: adamhmI haven't bought DXMD. It would have been an almost guaranteed purchase though, if not for Square Enix's prior dickery.

Well, I hope for you that you can leave the past behind at some point ;).
Feral did a fantastic jobs, it runs perfectly. Regarding DRM and or transactions, I haven't been bothered by this, though haven't looked for it either. If you don't want to support Square Enix, at least Feral does deserve some support. As stated, its a cool game, enjoy it!

Here’s a look at some good FPS games available on Linux & SteamOS
10 October 2017 at 7:25 pm UTC

Quoting: adamhmIt's a shame about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I'm a huge fan of the Deus Ex series & really liked DXHR, but Square Enix have pulled too many dick moves for me to consider buying anything of theirs that isn't on GOG.

What issue did you encounter with DE-Mankind Devided on Steam? I bought it there including all DLC's and it's imho a very cool game, with fitting hardware even quite an astonishing experience.

The latest Steam Hardware Survey shows Linux market-share has declined again
5 October 2017 at 6:58 pm UTC

Quoting: JanIs this really news? The year of the Linux desktop is not happening, SteamOS was not the saviour, Steam Machines are gone and Valve is only treating the platform as a backup plan. Not more, not less.

We all know: As soon as Feral abandons Linux, it‘s the end of AAA ports for Linux. Aspyr‘s gone indie, the big publishers don‘t care at all.

From the bottom of my broken heart I know: It‘s probably the right thing to use Linux, and I hope Feral will give us an amazing Vulkan showcase with Rise of the Tomb Raider. But the state of Linux gaming in 2017 is pretty clear: It‘s an amazing platform for indies and some AA titles.

But as soon as soon as we leave the comfort zone of Unity-powered games, it‘s looking rather grim. Even though Unreal supports Linux we don‘t see many AA titles releasing with day-1 support or announced ports. Maybe middleware is an issue, maybe the developers don‘t see financial viability.

Think of stuff like Snake Pass or Hellblade. Technically, it shouldn‘t be a big burden, but it‘s not happening anyway.

Hats off to Feral for supporting a niche platform, but they couldn‘t survive as a Linux-only porting house. Let‘s not be deluded: The recent net marketshare numbers aren‘t representative. Linux isn‘t bigger on the desktop than macOS.

Yes, exactly my feeling. Let's hope we can keep Feral on board and that the few titles they consider Linux worthy are profitable for them.

The latest Steam Hardware Survey shows Linux market-share has declined again
4 October 2017 at 9:24 pm UTC

Combining this data together with the one from netmarketshare and my personal impressions I would say that simply nothing has really changed since two years regarding Linux adoption. My expectation is that it stays like this and with this the number of big titles will stay consistent for the coming years too.

Get thinking, as Feral Interactive are teasing another new Linux port
2 October 2017 at 6:19 pm UTC

Fingers crossed for Rise of the Tomb Raider! Then I would finally have a good reason to invest into a new 1440p UWQHD monitor and a steam controller :)

Cyberpunk horror game 'Observer' could see an October release for Linux
18 September 2017 at 6:39 pm UTC

Quoting: linuxjacquesI'm sure to get it when the Linux version is released.
Yes, here too, although I guess this one is way too scary for me ;)