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What games do you want ported to Linux? Feral Interactive want to know again
11 August 2017 at 9:23 pm UTC Likes: 1

Rise of the Tomb Raider
Assetto Corsa

If I may dream:
Elite Dangerous

Linux game sales statistics from multiple developers, part 5
11 August 2017 at 3:33 pm UTC

Quoting: JanRead between the lines of Feral's statement: They are very selective about which titles they will bring to Linux. I guess it will be mainly "PC-like" RTS -- Dawn of War III or XCOM --, and less third-person action/adventure titles.

None of Feral's family friendly Mac games like the LEGO or Sonic games come to Linux.

Exactly. One should also note that there is only a limited monetary volume in the Linux market. Lets say that the average linux gamer is willing to spend 150 Euros/Dollars per year on games. Multiply that with the number of gamers and you know what the volume is that can be earned by publishers and porting studio's. Nowadays there is still the sentiment "I'll will buy this game because I want to support Linux", but this behavior with vanish once there are more titles. I would even dare to say that more titles per month at the moment would hurt gaming on Linux because the revenue per title or per studio will be less. Its a long road where both the number of linux titles and the available money in our (very specific) market needs to grow slowly side by side.

What have you been playing on Linux lately and what do you think?
10 August 2017 at 7:08 pm UTC

Found some time for Hitman. Cool game :)
Hoping that Rise of the Tomb Raider might be my next game...

Paradox are now doing their own game client for downloads, cloud saves, statistics and so on
10 August 2017 at 7:05 pm UTC Likes: 5

I'm happy with Steam. One entry point for all my games and it just works, which is for me the only thing that counts. Personally I don't care at all about DRM or not ...

The share of Linux users on Steam is still holding steady
2 July 2017 at 6:21 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: AnxiousInfusionUnless the Steam client goes open source and they start offering DRM-free options, I will be ditching Steam ASAP.

Isn't that a kind of extreme view? If you buy a car and you want to drive to the next town, you do accept and drive according to the laws right? (no offence intended ;))

Open source or not is imho a business decision and I'm fine with both if it works. I'm happy to contribute if needed but I'm also happy to pay if it is asked. I know that Steam for Linux is also mostly a Business Decision to have some arguments against Microsoft in hands, but I'm very grateful that we have it, otherwise the state of gaming on Linux would be now like 10 years in the past.

Micro Machines World Series released with day-1 Linux support, it’s brilliant
1 July 2017 at 6:57 pm UTC Likes: 2

About the game itself, I like it! It runs and performs flawlessly on my Fedora box. I would even say that cross platform multiplayer works just fine. (Though can't confirm that with hard facts because I haven't tried that in a local network, just assuming based on how the multiplayer mode via internet seem to work). Thanks Codemasters!

Regarding the Steam reviews, I don't own any of the previous games of that series, so I have a fresh start and mind, though I could indeed imagine that one feels different if one owns some or all official or non-official predecessors.

PS: I really don't mind if there is wrapper or not, as long as it just works ;) Please be patient, gaming on Linux is a long term project, first people need to able to earn a-lot-of-money on Linux and recognize it as a serious platform, only then it's time to squeeze every last (performance) bit out of our OS of choice.

Adventure game 'Thimbleweed Park' has officially released with day-1 Linux support
31 March 2017 at 10:02 am UTC Likes: 2

It feels really really nice to play Thimbleweed Park. I would strongly recommend this one to everyone that has the slightest history with Lucas adventure games and actually to anybody else too ;)

PS: It runs perfectly on Linux!

Start your engines as DiRT Rally is now on Linux, port report & review
4 March 2017 at 12:31 pm UTC

Runs perfectly and reminds me of the first Collin McRae Rally ages ago. Not a lot of whistles and bells, just excellent pure racing. Nice work!

Thimbleweed Park to release on March 30th with day-1 Linux support
4 March 2017 at 12:26 pm UTC

The only game I ever backed, ones I saw that Linux was planned. Nice to see that the hero's of my school time stick to their words. This will be one of the highlights for me this year. Very cool!

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided released for Linux, port report and review
14 December 2016 at 7:11 pm UTC

Sorry to dig up this older thread, just want to tell that the game runs now perfectly on my fedora box with new hardware. :)