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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided released for Linux, port report and review
8 November 2016 at 7:07 am UTC

@m2mg2, Thanks for your info and confirmation. I guess my ancient processor is the cause ;). I had installed Ubuntu 16.10 on a spare disk for testing and I see the same behavior there. I hope that Feral can confirm my thoughts, I have send them the crash dump and related info, and then it's time for new hardware :).

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided released for Linux, port report and review
5 November 2016 at 9:29 am UTC

Quoting: m2mg2
Quoting: MajGuanoThe game crashes on launch for me.

[email protected] (Below official spec, but the game runs acceptably for me on Windows)
GTX 760 (4GB) on NVIDIA 370.28
Manjaro KDE 64-bit

It crashed at launch for me at fist, so did Mad Max. In my case it seems to be a pulse audio issue. The first time I start the game I had to issue killall pulseaudio. Seems the game wants to be the only thing accessing the audio card to get some configurations done. This happened to me on Rocket League, Mad Max and Deus Ex MD. It may just be something with Fedora but I'd give it a shot. Right before you launch the game just issue "killall pulseaudio" from the terminal.

After the first start I no longer had to issue the command.

Unfortunately the games crashes on my machine direct after game start as well. This tip sounded very promising but didn't helped. My hardware is heavily outdated for this title, that could be the reason, but before investing I would like to know if my software stack is fine. Does someone got this game running on Fedora 24 with Steam and NVidia drivers (370.28) from Other games like Tomb Raider or Life is Strange do run fine on my machine, though I don't own Mad Max or Rocket League.

PS: Before I forgot, thanks a lot to Feral and all people/players that invest money into Linux gaming! Really cool what's happening right now!

PPS: Amazing job by Feral, I own quite some games and all titles are working perfectly, this is really the first one that gives me slight troubles.