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Latest Comments by scaine
The Funding Crowd 18 (Sep 3rd-11th)
12 September 2013 at 5:31 pm UTC

Gutted to hear that you're stepping down, Munt, but my wallet is currently breathing a quiet sigh of relief. I wonder about these columns - they must take a huge effort to produce. Perhaps a smaller scope would encourage a new champion of Crowdfunding to emerge? Maybe just a "Top 5 projects to Back this week" type of article.

I'd still question the research needed to produce such an article, but the WIKI would be a good place to start, I suppose. And no, I'm not volunteering! :D

Steam Announces Family Sharing & Can Officially Serve 64bit Linux Games
12 September 2013 at 4:56 pm UTC

Wow, yeah, the sharing feature is super-weak. Basically, it's only really for multiple user accounts on the same computer as far as I can make out. Sure, you can add up to 10 PCs, but if you play ANY game on one, it effectively kicks everybody off the other 9 devices, because you don't share a game out, you share the entire library.

So... useless. Unless perhaps you flat share and work opposite shifts. Or some other corner case. Really disappointing.

Halfway A Futuristic Turn Based Strategy With Interview
11 September 2013 at 10:12 am UTC

This looks excellent. It reminds me of the old Rebelstar games I played to death "back in the day". If they add an overwatch style of ability, they'll have an Xcom contender on their hands!

Battle Worlds: Kronos Strategy Game Has A New Video
11 September 2013 at 10:00 am UTC

Ah, bugger - I backed them on Kickstarter, so I haven't used their payment system. I think that's how I got on the early beta too (I lose track - back too many things to remember).

Amnesia A Machine For Pigs GOL Teaser
11 September 2013 at 8:35 am UTC

Argh! Why do I buy/play these games?? I played the first two hours last night and nearly cried like a baby on three separate occasions. There's quite a few cheap scares in this one, and it's a little less psychological (so far), but the "searching for your two boys" plotline is a nightmare... as a father of two young boys myself. It's like Heavy Rain all over again.

Got a fair bit of tearing on my ninja-PC as well, which is disappointing. But very pretty overall.

I think it's easier to play with the volume waaaay down, so I'll give it another go tonight. Wish me luck.

Battle Worlds: Kronos Strategy Game Has A New Video
11 September 2013 at 8:27 am UTC

I just played the first mission of this on Sunday there. It's absolutely brilliant so far. There are still some placeholders, and some minor things I don't like (such as enemy units looking very much like your own units - needs some kind of colour differentiation), but no - it's brilliant.

It's Advance Wars mashed with Uniwar with a little bit of Dune thrown in. Superb.

GOL Cast: Lock and Load Loads of Weapons in Moon Rift
10 September 2013 at 6:13 pm UTC

Reminds me a little of Shoot Many Robots on Steam (Windows-only). Shaping up nicely, but if I'm being honest I'm getting a bit bored with the whole SMR and Awesomenauts thing. Plus, it'll have to be better than Shank, and that's a tall order!

One to keep an eye on though. Almost a Borderlands style array of weapon stats in there!

Nuclear Dawn Will Come To Linux After All, Thanks To Valve
10 September 2013 at 3:03 pm UTC

Quoting: Qantourisc
Quoting: Quote from scainePortal 2? I'm gagging to play Portal 2 again... :)

When you do, want to be my CO-bot, still have multiplayer to complete :)

Yeah, I need a co-op buddy for the multiplayer! I'm scaine on Steam if you want to friend me.

Oh, and Cheese - yeah, I've commented on the "Alien Swarm for Linux" thread on Steam. Two chances of that happening though, Jack and shit. And Jack's left town. :)

Nuclear Dawn Will Come To Linux After All, Thanks To Valve
10 September 2013 at 12:18 pm UTC

I appreciate that this is Valve we're talking about, but has there ever been an indication made public about the availability of CS:GO or Portal 2? I'm gagging to play Portal 2 again... :)

Nuclear Dawn Will Come To Linux After All, Thanks To Valve
10 September 2013 at 6:51 am UTC

Quoting: CheesenessI'm super proud to have played a role in this (even if it was only as a messenger) and I can't wait to play ND with you all at some stage in the future :D

Yep, awesome work, Cheese. I'd never have even thought to put these two in touch so directly. You kind of assume that that level of communication is already taking place!