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Feral have now fixed the OpenGL performance regression in Mad Max
4 April 2017 at 5:05 pm UTC

Quoting: SkiskiI've just updated to kernel 4.10 (4.10.8-100.fc24.x86_64) and I have way less stuttering. I don't know if it's thanks to the new kernel or the latest patch of the game.
I haven't tried today, but I've been able to play the game without stuttering just by using the offline mode of steam. I don't why this solve the kernel problem or even if it is related. But in offline mode, I was able to max every setting and I'm never under 40 FPS and usually between 50 and 60.

And I'm really enjoying the game so far.

Too bad Steam crashes when I try to enable offline mode. I would have been nice to test if offline mode workaround would work too.

Feral have now fixed the OpenGL performance regression in Mad Max
4 April 2017 at 4:57 pm UTC

Quoting: Mohandevir
Quoting: Anza
Quoting: Mohandevir
Quoting: HollowSoldierOfficial patch notes:

"Marketing strategy didn't work. F...k."

I can't believe Feral did that on purpose and tought nobody would notice the regression. They might have made a mistake and it made it to the release (because the goal of the beta was to implement Vulkan in the first place) and they got caught in their enthusiasm. I hope it is such.

Anyway, all I'm hoping for is for them to fix the fps drops that many are experiencing. Every 10 seconds or so I see skipped frames and then it's buttery smooth again. Really annoying. And it doesn't seem to be linked to sudden heavy burdens... It's just random, in the middle of nowhere, while driving with nothing in sight (example) and it cycles again, ±10 seconds later.

If you have 4.9 kernel, it might be problem that threads keep moving between cores which causes massive framedrop while that happens. It's possible to verify if that's the case with htop as it shows threads by default and also shows assigned core for each thread.

I made script that can be used as workaround:

I think I'll made sure that Feral Interactive is also aware of the issue as fix should be relatively simple. Problem might have been there with earlier kernel version, but I don't think it was this frequent.

Thanks! I'll give it a shot. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. Who knows, it might be something they backported from 16.10...

Looks like Ubuntu has 4.8 kernel, which I didn't test. I upgraded actually from 4.4 to 4.9, so it's entirely possible that problem appeared in some kernel version between those two.

It would be interesting to know if earlier kernel is also affected. Or maybe problem root cause is something else.

Feral have now fixed the OpenGL performance regression in Mad Max
4 April 2017 at 4:12 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Mohandevir
Quoting: HollowSoldierOfficial patch notes:

"Marketing strategy didn't work. F...k."

I can't believe Feral did that on purpose and tought nobody would notice the regression. They might have made a mistake and it made it to the release (because the goal of the beta was to implement Vulkan in the first place) and they got caught in their enthusiasm. I hope it is such.

Anyway, all I'm hoping for is for them to fix the fps drops that many are experiencing. Every 10 seconds or so I see skipped frames and then it's buttery smooth again. Really annoying. And it doesn't seem to be linked to sudden heavy burdens... It's just random, in the middle of nowhere, while driving with nothing in sight (example) and it cycles again, ±10 seconds later.

If you have 4.9 kernel, it might be problem that threads keep moving between cores which causes massive framedrop while that happens. It's possible to verify if that's the case with htop as it shows threads by default and also shows assigned core for each thread.

I made script that can be used as workaround:

I think I'll made sure that Feral Interactive is also aware of the issue as fix should be relatively simple. Problem might have been there with earlier kernel version, but I don't think it was this frequent.

Some notes and benchmarks about a performance regression in Mad Max's OpenGL rendering
2 April 2017 at 6:13 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: rustybroomhandleI am running Manjaro and have noticed on kernel 4.9 this game stutters terribly, with frame rate wildly fluctuating. I booted up with kernel 4.5 and all of a sudden it's smoother than suppository dipped in Vaseline.

I also noticed that performance got lot worse with 4.9 kernel. After digging little deeper I noticed that threads were moving between cores quite frequently. So far htop has been best tool for debugging this as it shows which core thread uses and even shows threads by default.

I made a script that locks threads to dedicated cores and that helped quite a lot. Vulkan is now pretty smooth nearly all the time.

I uploaded the script to GitHub: