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Dominions 5 announced with Day-1 Linux support
12 September 2017 at 3:58 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: TheSHEEEPI really like playing Dominions.
It would just be nice if they could implement an actual SP with some basic AI diplomacy so that it can serve for a bit more than just random testing...
What? No single player? Well there goes my interest.
Well, technically, there is single player. And it IS fun for a while.
The problem is that you cannot reason with the AI, all the AI players seem to have some agenda but it is rather random.
At least it was like that in Dom3-4, so I doubt they implemented that here (otherwise, they would have announced that probably).

Real Dominions lives from the interaction with the people you play with. Making alliances, non-aggression pacts, trading, etc. And awaiting your email turn to see if everyone actually kept their deals (usually, trade agreements are binding, other diplomacy is not). It can take as much time writing PMs on a forum with other people as you spend in the game - at least occasionally.
And unfortunately, single player does not let you train for that in the least, as there is no interaction with the AI. You just got a message if an AI declared war on you, that's it...

I know the developers are doing that only part-time, but I don't understand why they don't implement at least rudimentary AI diplomacy.

Dominions 5 announced with Day-1 Linux support
12 September 2017 at 10:00 am UTC Likes: 1

I really like playing Dominions.
It would just be nice if they could implement an actual SP with some basic AI diplomacy so that it can serve for a bit more than just random testing...

I also like the changes they announced, especially the sped up combat. It helps with late game turns taking just too long to do (who has that much time anymore?).

Unsung Story, a game previously funded by Kickstarter has started again under a new developer
7 September 2017 at 2:02 pm UTC

With such a troubled development, the game will be great!


Because all games with a troubled development turn out to be all the better for it...

Some thoughts on Castle Story, the voxel-based strategy game
6 September 2017 at 6:03 am UTC

Quoting: Nor MantisThis is the only game I have ever refunded. This was last month, it didn't run on arch at all.
That's usually more of an Arch problem, really.
I mean, what lucky game DOES run there...
It is a very bad idea to run Arch and expect stuff to actually work there.

Some thoughts on Castle Story, the voxel-based strategy game
4 September 2017 at 2:38 pm UTC

Not everyone is a born game dev, it seems ;)

VEmpire - The Kings of Darkness, a Vampire themed digital card game will have Linux support
4 September 2017 at 12:41 pm UTC

Sounds fairly interesting. Faeria was a blast to play (think I spent 80h on it), so I'm eager to try out this one.

Planet Nomads drops plans to have co-op and multiplayer
3 September 2017 at 3:59 pm UTC

Quoting: Areso
Quoting: TheSHEEEPA survival game completely without co-op?
Weird. To say the least.

But to promise multiplayer as a stretch goal is just completely beyond amateurish.
Every developer worth his money knows that multiplayer is a framework decision, not something you can just "add" later on.
Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the developer in this case.
Don't Starve. A survival game completely without co-op.
Yeah, and quite boring after a few hours (at least for most players which is why Don't Starve Together has like 4-5x the player count).

Quoting: AresoDon't Starve. Single player game, where multiplayer was "added" sometime later. (As well as Goat Simulator).
Well, Don't Starve Together is a standalone game, and most likely because they weren't able to do it via a simple patch (or DLC).
And Goat Simulator... come on. That game is so simplistic, they probably really only needed to install the networking plugin and a bit of code around it ;)

Some thoughts on Axis Football 2017
3 September 2017 at 12:53 pm UTC

Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: tuubiYay. American handegg. "It captures the sport’s essence" eh? Does it simulate doping? How about brain injury due to repeated concussions? /troll

Since you admit to trolling, I assume you're aware that the incidences of brain injury in football players (and injuries in general) have been overblown by liberal activists and the mainstream media.
Let me rephrase what you just said:

Thank you for your insight.

Planet Nomads drops plans to have co-op and multiplayer
2 September 2017 at 9:52 pm UTC Likes: 5

A survival game completely without co-op?
Weird. To say the least.

But to promise multiplayer as a stretch goal is just completely beyond amateurish.
Every developer worth his money knows that multiplayer is a framework decision, not something you can just "add" later on.
Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the developer in this case.

The developer behind Nidhogg 2 has detailed some reasons why it may not come to Linux
2 September 2017 at 8:28 am UTC

Yeah, no disagreement here. I don't get any real benefit from static linking, either. It's just more cumbersome to update anything.

But in the Atom case, I don't think it is a problem of static linking. I'm pretty sure the folders would be just as big if Atom was dynamically linked - which it maybe is, I don't know. Either way, the problem is developers being messy, not the linking type.