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Dawn of War III is set to get another small performance improvement with RadeonSI
22 August 2017 at 4:01 pm UTC

Quoting: omer666
Quoting: TheSHEEEP
Quoting: omer666
Quoting: KuJohttp://www.pcgamer.com/well-see-an-expansion-for-dawn-of-war-3-says-relic/

This is article is from march... That is to say, before people starting to troll the game and disappointing sales.
All of which is deserved. A good game does not see such a nosedive in player base shortly after release, especially not a game that wants to be MP focused.

They just developed a game that nobody wanted to have. Instead of targeting one specific group, they tried to appease all somewhat and - as always happens when you try to appease many instead of focusing on "few" - the result just disappoints pretty much everyone.
I wouldn't even call it lack of vision. Just a completely wrong vision.

The problems with DoW 3 are many.

To start with, there is the "story", which is just a joke. But it's Warhammer, so that would be forgivable. Story was never the strong point of the setting ;)
Far worse is that the campaign is jumping from army to army, completely removing the possibility of even somewhat identifying with any characters. One mission from this side, next mission from this side, etc.
This has been done by no strategy game, ever, and for a reason. It doesn't work.
Also compare the pretty great leveling and equipment system DoW 2 had in its campaign (well, for an RTS game, that is). It has been replaced with something totally flat and uninspired in DoW 3.

Then is that super weird requirement to grind for elites and skulls to unlock armies/units. That is BS straight from browser game territory - so being compared to MOBA is ironically relatively harmless.

The core of the problem is that DoW I was a really great RTS game with proper base building. Certainly one of my favourites.
Which got completely scrapped for DoW II in favor of a sci-fi clone of Company Of Heroes. Really not my thing, but the campaign was fun. And it was clearly a choice to take the series in that direction. And at least it had some depth to it with the cover and building mechanics.

The complaints about that must have been pretty big.
So they tried something in-between with DoW III. A bit of base building, a bit of small squad-focused CoH game. The base building is just plain bad when compared to DoW 1 or other RTS games. No depth at all, barely any choices. Seriously, although preferring RTS games with base building, I'd rather have no base building at all than something like this. And the small squad-focused gameplay is also worse at what it does than DoW II. They even dumbed down the cover mechanics to those ridiculous zones.

So all-in-all the game gives off the impression of an extremely light RTS game, no matter from what perspective you look at it. And extremely light RTS game = MOBA, at least I guess that is the reasoning behind those claims (I don't really agree with that, but I see where it is coming from). That there are MOBA-style towers in many maps preventing rushes was just drop of water to a full barrel I guess.

They should have decided to continue the DoW I or DoW II route, but they screwed both ideas up by trying to mix them. Compromise being once again the death of quality.

To fully mess things up, they tried going for competitive players, competing with StarCraft 1 & 2.
Which is just futile since the gameplay of DoW III doesn't even come close to those.
Instead of trying something interesting with online co-op campaigns, a great level editor ala StarCraft 2 or something else. There would have been many other ways than aiming at esports.

I am really glad I stayed under 2h of playing before I had a look around at some other experiences and then refunded the thing.

Obviously, I didn't stay long enough to get to the MP balancing, but I haven't heard anything great about it, either.

Dawn of War III is set to get another small performance improvement with RadeonSI
22 August 2017 at 1:26 pm UTC

Quoting: omer666
Quoting: KuJo
Quote'We'll see an expansion' for Dawn of War 3 says Relic
Nothing set in stone, but devs leaning towards free gameplay updates and some paid cosmetics

This is article is from march... That is to say, before people starting to troll the game and disappointing sales.
All of which is deserved. A good game does not see such a nosedive in player base shortly after release, especially not a game that wants to be MP focused.

They just developed a game that nobody wanted to have. Instead of targeting one specific group, they tried to appease all somewhat and - as always happens when you try to appease many instead of focusing on "few" - the result just disappoints pretty much everyone.
I wouldn't even call it lack of vision. Just a completely wrong vision.

ICY: Frostbite Edition, a narrative-driven post-apocalyptic survival RPG will release with Linux support
31 July 2017 at 5:46 pm UTC Likes: 1

Excellent. It was already on my wishlist, now it is on my wishlist... even harder!

Prison Architect updated with more staff needs, a morale system and Steam Cloud Saves
7 July 2017 at 10:13 am UTC

I'm a bit confused now. Wasn't there always the need to have a staff room?
It's been some while since I last played, but I remember having a staff room...