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Latest Comments by dpanter
Puzzle With Your Friends is now available
25 April 2018 at 8:42 pm UTC

Quoting: slaapliedjeDamn, I have always wanted a decent Jigsaw program for Linux, but it requires the ability to import your own images. This doesn't look like it has that ability?
Checked out Animated Puzzles on Steam?
You can play 'Career' mode to unlock more puzzles as you play or unlock everything immediately. Workshop support, download as many as you please. Create your own puzzles.
Looks good, plays great and runs smooth as a babys butt.

Puzzle With Your Friends has the interesting multiplayer thing going on... I'm taking the bait. :)

Edit: After playing one puzzle, I can only say that the controls are not good.
Often picking the wrong pieces or not picking them up at all, often not connecting to matching pieces without re-positioning the piece onto the exact same place again or even twice over, not clearly marking which pieces are locked in the correct position... to be honest, it's pretty weak.
Lets hope they fix the mechanics and add more puzzles, workshop support, custom level support etc ASAP.
Really can't recommend it as it is. Get Animated Puzzles instead tbh (note that AP is strictly single player)

Rise of the Tomb Raider is now officially available on Linux, here’s a look at it with benchmarks
20 April 2018 at 1:45 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest@dpanter : it seems Vulkan enables to get great results with a lower CPU, I think that's the point ! But does it make use of all the cores / threads of an i7 ? Just wondering.
Seems to use all cores just fine. Hovering around 50-60% CPU usage overall with even spread over all 8 virtual cores. I'm also forcing Full Composition Pipeline since KDE tears like a bitch without it.
A quick test with performance governor actually gave a slight boost, with Very high settings the overall fps increased ~6% from 129 to 137. These numbers are based on single runs so they might fluctuate a bit anyway.
7 year old CPU still going somewhat strong! :)

BTW, running Debian sid yields some... interesting... side effects from time to time. Proceed with caution. ;)
But yeah, it's reasonably quick in getting fresh packages out.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is now officially available on Linux, here’s a look at it with benchmarks
20 April 2018 at 7:23 am UTC

What about an older, weaker CPU with a newer, stronger GPU?
i7 2600K@4GHz, 16 GB RAM@1866MHz, GTX1080Ti 390.48, Debian sid (kernel 4.15, powersave governor), KDE Plasma 5.12.4
As you can see, the lows are quite low and the highs quite high. If you were wondering, I rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Haven't played yet but it should be fine on Very high. :)

Absolutely everything maxed + SSAA x4: Overall 72 fps
Mountain Peak: 94 fps (min 21, max 172)
Syria: 58 fps (min 14, max 96)
Geothermal Valley: 62 fps (min 8, max 95)

Very high + FXAA: Overall 129 fps
Mountain Peak: 184 fps (min 44, max 265)
Syria: 105 fps (min 20, max 160)
Geothermal Valley: 94 fps (min 35, max 171)

Rise of the Tomb Raider is now officially available on Linux, here’s a look at it with benchmarks
19 April 2018 at 6:05 pm UTC

Steam sale atm, 67% off including season pass... instabuy on the cheap! ~16,5€

CARRION is a very gory game from the developer of BUTCHER, check out the disturbing alpha footage
5 March 2018 at 8:51 pm UTC

Looks very promising, here's hoping for good control schemes.
Happily reminded me of The Dweller.

AMD RX Vega GPUs released along with a new AMDGPU-PRO Driver
14 August 2017 at 10:23 pm UTC

I was going to enjoy my new RX580 that arrived today and watch with anticipation if/when Vega matured for Linux use, perhaps even hope for it to become a viable upgrade... but the RX580 was frikkin DEAD on arrival.
Like mentioned above, they are stupid hard to get a hold of.
So my day was good... ish... /cry :(

Maybe a Vega then, if prices aren't stupid and you can actually get one. :S:

Want to compare your Steam library with Wine compatibility? There's a script for that
3 August 2017 at 8:27 am UTC

Excellent job guys, downloaded the new files and voila, works like a charm! ^_^

Want to compare your Steam library with Wine compatibility? There's a script for that
2 August 2017 at 4:24 pm UTC

Debian Jessie, Python3 3.4.2
$ python3 -p
  File "", line 72
    getpluspost = {**getparams,**postparams}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
