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After suggesting a developer drop Linux support, Vivox have released a statement
1 May 2019 at 2:46 pm UTC Likes: 16

Quoting: gradyvuckovicImma keep it real with ya chief - That response is 100% PR Talk

They got busted. All of that response is just code for:

"We're not going to support Linux until we think it's financially worth it and we still don't think it is and truth be told we don't think it's financially worth it for our customers to do so either, but now we know developers who ask about Linux support might rat on us to reddit to make us look bad, we're going to give a canned 'Sorry we do not currently support Linux at this time but we might support Linux in the future.' response next time a developer asks about Linux support instead of our honest opinion."

That last line in particular makes it clear, don't expect Vivox to support Linux any time soon.

Basically yea, but it's nice to know they'll keep their opinions to themselves from now on. The Vivox guy wanted to make a sale and earn a customer, and that was a seriously scummy way to do it.

Action-RPG 'Last Epoch' to release a Beta on April 30th, also heading to Steam
13 April 2019 at 9:32 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: 14This game is totally up my and my friends' alleys. I don't like paying to play betas, but I can see myself getting this one at release and not waiting for a sale.

As a backer I can tell you development is coming along nicely and it already plays very well. I think you'll be quite pleased with the game after release.

Civilization VI: Gathering Storm should see day-1 Linux support tomorrow
14 February 2019 at 12:30 am UTC

Quoting: Segata SanshiroExpansion looks great and all, but £35 for DLC??? The base game is £50 for those of us who bought it day-1 and the other expansion (which I still haven't gotten round to buying because of the price) is £25. That's fu**ing nuts, there's no other way to describe that.

I remember the gold old days when you paid £30 for a game and £15 for each expansion and all the little pieces of additional £5 horse armour didn't exist.

I like Civ a lot and VI is pretty decent, but honestly the value for money is abhorrent. For those buying day-1 and paying £110 to have a full game, you're better off waiting a couple of years for a £20 "complete edition" and buy like 5 really decent games to play during that time. There's just no way of justifying that pricetag.

{ Low Price | High Quality | Fast Development Speed }
Choose 2.

Eleventh Hour Games have shown some great Linux support with their action RPG 'Last Epoch'
8 January 2019 at 11:59 am UTC

Quoting: liberodarkAs for the installer you have a very simple proof moreover this project was born from the will of corrected some problem related to the installation on Last Epoch on a linux.
And the correction of some problem it works perfectly and was done in collaboration with the team is a small project that was only to help you else you have the proof of what I say here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTERPRp45PA&feature=youtu.be

The regular installer works perfectly as well though... Besides, downloading an installer for a professionally made native game from a github repo feels wrong.

Eleventh Hour Games have shown some great Linux support with their action RPG 'Last Epoch'
7 January 2019 at 12:37 pm UTC

The installer is useless if you haven't supported the game, and if you have supported it you can download the installer directly from them...

The Atari VCS team put out a post to talk about the Linux OS along with an open source project teaser
23 November 2018 at 3:33 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: sketchHardware that hardly anyone needs, from a company hardly anyone care anymore and could hardly add anything for everybody's interest. From what i read here, they will take advantage of open source without giving back, and they are literally asking for free help on their closed software and hardware. They are a company of the past, and demonstrate yet once again misinterpreting open source. Some strategy like this could spark little to none interest in the past when hardly any company would embrace linux. Nowadays big companies are spending big money to boost the platform for everyone else. Time is shifting, and this atari thing look like cancer, not innovation IMHO.

I see you have the impression that they are the same ATARI that produced those classic consoles from the 80s and 90s. They're not.

Albion Online updated with the free Nimue expansion
22 November 2018 at 12:28 pm UTC

They also greatly bumped up the drop rate for quality loot in the dungeons.