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Latest Comments by yahya
The Wandering Village gets a big Ocean Update and you can win a key
21 July 2023 at 12:34 am UTC

What a great idea to live on a giant creature!
When the earth changed, you need to survive and rebuild life. And that creature would be your only choice. Imagine you are part of it.

I watched movies about rebuilding life and dystopian future, like The Divergent Series and Mortal Engines.
So I wonder how the human life would be in the future.
Like our life today, with electronics and fast vehicles, we just happen to be here.
Maybe "back to nature"?
Or maybe giant creatures will emerge once again. And some of them would be used for mass transportation. Who knows

AMD Ray Tracing on Linux gets closer with Mesa enabling specific games
4 January 2023 at 12:21 pm UTC Likes: 6

I ran GravityMark's Vulkan Ray Tracing benchmark on an overclocked RX 6800 (via CoreCtrl), and here is the best result I got:

Not bad

Humble Choice for April gives Ghostrunner, Destroy All Humans!
6 April 2022 at 9:50 am UTC

They don't offer me NARUTO 🤷‍♂️

Ray tracing with AMD RADV on Linux gets closer with the 'World's Slowest Raytracer'
21 August 2021 at 4:37 am UTC

Still unable to run Quake II RTX on Radeon RX 6800 with Mesa 21.2.1
Setting "RADV_PERFTEST=rt" environment doesn't help either.

OBS Studio 27.0 RC1 out with Wayland support and browser docking on Linux
4 April 2021 at 12:08 am UTC

Quoting: DamonLinuxPLAnyway looks like to me that recording witch VAAPI on Radeon 580 8GB in X11 is broken... at least on my hardware (both in vaapi+x264 and vaapi+hevc). Just not sure if this related to new OBS 27.0.0 RC1 release or new libva 2.11.0... or maybe somethings else. Anyone see somethings similar?
I experienced similar problem with VAAPI.

OBS Studio 26.1.2 with Mesa 21.0.1 gives a bad result: extremely lagging video when played back, but normal audio, only when I use VAAPI. But the result is good when I use software encoder (x264).

I have no problem using VAAPI on OBS before. It's with Mesa 20.3.
But Mesa 21.0 really improves gaming performance. Need to wait for a fix for this compatibility issue.

VKD3D-Proton begins work to support DirectX Raytracing on Linux
26 January 2021 at 12:08 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: CatKillerQuake 2 RTX has already switched to the vendor-neutral Vulkan extension, so works on AMD (and future Intel) hardware that supports it.
Do you have a proof of Quake 2 RTX running natively on AMD GPU?

I use Radeon RX 6800 with Kernel 5.10.6 + Mesa 20.3.3, but the game won't launch. And I see this log:
FATAL: No ray tracing capable GPU found.

Work is underway to better support ASUS ROG laptops on Linux
21 April 2020 at 3:15 am UTC

Quoting: Eike
Quoting: yahyaFan control by pressing Fn+F5 is the best thing I can get, which works on Linux

Fans being controlled automatically is the best thing I can get.

I think you don't get how this fan control behaves.
The fans are still controlled automatically based on current workload. But they do have speed limits on each mode.
Before using this driver, it seems my laptop fans stay at normal mode, so they won't reach their maximum speed :(
Yes, sometimes I need my laptop fans to work at their maximum speed on heavy workload. But they are noisy. I don't want them to react sensitively when I don't need them to be.

In short, fan control is a compromise between automatic and manual fan speed settings.