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Latest Comments by a0kami
Valve have now officially teased their own VR headset with Valve Index
2 April 2019 at 9:14 pm UTC

Quoting: Purple Library GuyAre they? The other day a co-worker who has no involvement with Linux was snarking about the Epic store, saying it was a joke and had like 20 games.

Well, Metro exodus was quite the drama. I wouldn't be surprised more dev does the same. Also free game every 2 weeks en Epic store + Fortnite, they might be gaining more more market share (of course very slowly but yet).

Valve have now officially teased their own VR headset with Valve Index
30 March 2019 at 4:25 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: SolitaryWell, hopefully it's gonna be cheap, with Steam they can make money later with people buying VR games. VR needs to be more common to flourish, so it wouldnt make sense to keep it expensive hobby. Price of admission will go down with every VR generation.

They are still facing a lot of publishers switching to Epic store. So money might not be so great lately. :(
(Hence so much effort to get both Linux and VR on tracks so they become leader of a new huge market.) IMHO

Valve have now officially teased their own VR headset with Valve Index
30 March 2019 at 1:54 pm UTC Likes: 1

So are they still partnering with HTC ?
Will they keep distributing all those headsets ?
(Vive, Vive Pro, Vive Cosmos, Vive Focus AND Index ?)

Valve is getting back to focusing on gaming, with non-gaming videos being retired
20 February 2019 at 8:36 pm UTC Likes: 2

I'm still mad from the time I bought "Indie Game: The Movie" listed as a game, with its crappy proprietary player based on Adobe Air and was of course never supported on Linux, besides being no different than a simple DVD.
One of the main reason I didn't ever give a chance to steam videos.

The war of the PC stores is getting ugly, as Metro Exodus becomes a timed Epic Store exclusive
29 January 2019 at 7:03 pm UTC

The secret plot from Epic Games to make Valve publish HL3 and hit the highest sale record so they offer Steam for free to each and every developer? (And Valve grows bigger than both Amazon and Google)