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Latest Comments by Xpander
Trine 2 next year...we already knew!
9 December 2011 at 2:06 am UTC

trine 1 was great fun indeed.
trine 2 however seem even more fun, because of online coop. cant wait!
didnt complete the trine 1 ...because im into multiplayer/coop games more..

Ignite for Linux is still coming!
29 November 2011 at 5:43 pm UTC

thats quite sad.
i like to have stuff at the same place.
Desura is a must for every linux game atm imo

Ignite for Linux is still coming!
29 November 2011 at 11:05 am UTC

nice idd :P
hope it comes to desura

7 November 2011 at 11:38 am UTC

looking at the gameplay video, it looks uglier than Zero ballistics.
but on the other hand it seems kind a same..
is that some fork of Zero Ballistics?
Zero ballistics is available for free on desura and i played it a little, seemed quite fun but missed a lot of potential features.

2 new games added to the latest Humble
2 November 2011 at 11:30 am UTC

on irc.freenode #steamlug channel

Nov 02 01:40:47  I gots me a reply from Jeffrey Rosen
Nov 02 01:44:33  oh boy
Nov 02 01:44:37  herewego.tif
Nov 02 01:44:49  (yeah, right...)
Nov 02 01:46:40  There's a lot of stuff in the response, but the basic gist is that the "Humble Indie Bundles" are meant to be separate from the not-"indie" bundles (Frozenbyte, Frozen Synapse, Voxatron)
Nov 02 01:46:53  They recognise that there's a branding issue
Nov 02 01:47:37  Apparently they're keen to do 1 - 2 big bundles a year, but want to do smaller stuff every now and again
Nov 02 01:50:06  I think I'm going to ask him if he wants to do an interview

Desura to launch a closed Linux Beta!
24 September 2011 at 11:22 am UTC

the custom game searching doesnt work for me.
i see there is option under settings that u can find games u have installed and even point the games to correct folders. but sadly it doesnt work.
ahh well its beta afterall :) really happy with it anyway.

Desura to launch a closed Linux Beta!
21 September 2011 at 10:19 pm UTC

we can hope for both. they are little different.
desura is mostly indie games and addons/mods for games.
while steam has all different stuff.

i really like the desura thingy but i still hope that steam will come to linux some day.
the more choices the better it is imo. like linux itself: freedom of choice.
i would use them both.

Desura to launch a closed Linux Beta!
19 September 2011 at 8:41 pm UTC

yeah.. client installed need beta invite to be able to log in also :)
i have some humble bundle titles there.

Oil Rush Build 0.80 released!
16 September 2011 at 5:47 pm UTC

* Steam integration is in progress

i know its for windows but still can hope for linux version of steam :)
no big problems tho, we will get desura soon :P