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Classic open source FPS Xonotic 0.8.6 released with new game modes

By Liam Dawe,
Xonotic 0.8.6 is an essential upgrade for anyone playing this classic free and open source arena shooter, due to a security issue but there's also plenty of new features and additions.

Free and open source arena shooter Xonotic 0.8.5 now available

By Liam Dawe,
Love some fast-paced first-person shooting action? Xonotic (a fork of the original Nexuiz) has a brand new release available with tons of improvements.
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SteamOS-like Linux distribution GamerOS has a new release up

By Liam Dawe,
GamerOS, a Linux distribution based originally on Arch with a firm focus on an out of the box experience for gaming on your couch (much like Valve's original idea with SteamOS) has a new release.

The Linux GOTY Award 2019 is now over - here's the winners

By Liam Dawe,
The Linux GOTY Award 2019 is now over, there were thousands of votes across many categories and we have the winners in.

The fast-paced free shooter 'Xonotic' is now available as a Flatpak package for easy install

By Liam Dawe,
Not to be outdone by Snap packages, Flatpak's are also getting in on the fun so you can also now get Xonotic from Flathub.

Fast-paced free shooter 'Xonotic' is now available as a Snap

By Liam Dawe,
Xonotic, the free and open source fast-paced shooter Xonotic is now available as a Snap package for super easy installation on Linux.

Here’s a look at some good FPS games available on Linux & SteamOS

By Liam Dawe,
Looking for your next FPS? There might be a few in here that tickle your fancy. Here’s a look at a few good FPS options on Linux & SteamOS.

Trying the experimental GCN 1.0 support in AMDGPU

By Samsai,
Inspired by the recent release of Dawn of War 3, I decided to try out the experimental GCN 1.0 support in the new AMDGPU kernel driver and share my experiences.

Xonotic 0.8.2 released with new maps and numerous new features

By Samsai,
Version 0.8.2 of the free and open source arena FPS Xonotic has been released with a couple of new maps and a number of other changes and additions.

New set of GPU benchmarks and adventures in OpenGL 4.3

By Samsai,
Quite recently there have been quite a few advancements on the open source side of GPU drivers so I figured it would be the perfect time to talk about these changes and run some updated benchmarks.

End of the year benchmarks, GTX 760 and R7 370

By Samsai,
It's been a while since I last dug up my 760 and did some benchmarking, so I decided that I would run some to celebrate the last days of 2015. I've picked some new games this time around to show the performance of both the open source and the proprietary drivers.

The GOL Nouveau Experiment – Conclusion

By Samsai,
I have now spent two weeks using the open source Nouveau driver on my desktop and I have some results here. Let's see how well Nouveau did for me!

GOL Cast: Fragging Bots And Testing New Maps In Xonotic

By Samsai,
We would like to interrupt our stream of news about AAA games and bring you some critique on the new Xonotic 0.8 version. So, enjoy!

Friday Livestream At 6 PM UTC

By Samsai,
Another week is coming to an end and it's time to kick off the shoes and enjoy the weekend. And once again, as is our tradition, we have a livestream for you to waste your time on!

Xonotic Is Approaching Version 0.8 With New Features And Maps

By Samsai,
Yesterday a video was published on http://www.xonotic.org which showcased a preview version of the new 0.8 update and all its new features and a couple of new CTF maps.

Games On AMD FOSS Drivers 3

By Half-Shot,
More driver improvements on the ever changing driver. Mesa 10.3 just came out and the results are in! Here's a look at how the open source driver for AMD GPU's is performing in games.

New Unreal Tournament In The Works, Could See A Native Linux Version

By Liam Dawe,
Some hot news today is that Epic Games is working on a next-gen Unreal Tournament and it's not out of the realm of possibility that it will see a Linux client since Unreal Engine 4.1+ now officially supports Linux.

The Open Source Game Corner, Highlighting Open Source Projects Part 2

By Liam Dawe,
The second part in my articles on giving some limelight to open source games and engines, this time I have a completely different set to show you! How exciting!

A Big List Of Linux FPS Games, Here's Over 30 To Check Out

By Liam Dawe,
Not enough FPS games you say, we need more you say, fear not for we have a big list for you to sink your mouse into!

See Valve's Vogl OpenGL Debugger In Action

By Liam Dawe,
Valve's Rich Geldreich has continued his awesome blog post about his work on the Vogl OpenGL debugger and has now posted some actual shots of it in action.
Showing 1 to 20 of 25 entries found.
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