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Avorion is a single-player or online co-op space survival sandbox game, one where you construct your ships with individual blocks and go explore the galaxy.
Boxelware did exceptionally well with Avorion, a space exploration sim that lets you build ships together with blocks and they've teased a massive 2.0 update to come.
Build ships block by block, explore space and now perhaps do a little shady dealing? That's what's coming with the Black Market DLC and big free update for space sim Avorion.
Few space games have impressed me as much as Avorion, I'll make that clear right away. An open world space adventure, where you build your own ship block-by-block is out now and it's gorgeous.
Avorion already had a lot of things truly nailed down, from the freedom to build and explore to the excellent presentation but one thing it lacked was a good experience for newer users. Now it should be much improved.
I am a massive fan of 'Avorion' as this Early Access space sandbox has a lot going for it and it just got a major update. I am also considering setting up a GOL server for it!
Avorion promises to give you a big open galaxy to explore fight, trade and construct spaceships in. They claim to remove a lot of micro-management which has me excited and it looks really slick.