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Viewing articles by pleasereadthemanual
I started using Linux in 2020. I'm a visual novel aficionado with an appreciation for indie games. I can also be found playing big-budget multiplayer games with friends. The day Rainbow Six: Siege's anti-cheat works in Proton will be the day all my gaming is done on Linux.

Explicit Sync Wayland Protocol Merged, Wayland Protocols 1.34 released

Some fun times in Wayland land as not only has the explicit synchronization protocol been merged in, but Wayland Protocols 1.34 is also out now.

What to Expect From Wine on Wayland in 2024

Collabora, the company responsible for developing Wine's Wayland driver and getting it into Wine proper, has just published Wine on Wayland: A year in review (and a look ahead).
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