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Viewing articles by FutureSuture

Sony Is Creating A List Of Crowdfunding Projects To Gauge Interest

By FutureSuture,
In an interview with Endgadget, Sony discusses how Shenmue on Kickstarter came to be and future plans to gauge interest and fund intellectual properties via the help of Kickstarter. This, once again, prompts the discussion of whether the Linux community should do the same.

Legend Of Grimrock No Longer Works On Nvidia GeForce GTX 900 Series GPUs

By FutureSuture,
Going as far back as the 14th of February of this year, users have been reporting that Legend of Grimrock won't even start on their Linux powered gaming machines sporting GPUs from the Nvidia GeForce GTX 900 series.
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Endless Legend Linux Port Started Months Ago, Looked Good

By FutureSuture,
After a bit of digging, it turns out that the porting of Endless Legend to Linux was not merely being looked into, but had actually begun, and was looking good to boot. What happened, though?

GOG Employee Explains Where Galaxy Is At Currently

By FutureSuture,
A GOG employee of the name Destro explains in several paragraphs why answering "When will Galaxy be released?" is not that straightforward.

Vote For GOG To Make Galaxy Open Source

By FutureSuture,
Galaxy will launch this year, so a number of folks in GOG's community have suggested that it should be open source. A list of reasons speak for this, but what do you think?

Whatever Happened To Torchlight On Linux? UPDATED

By FutureSuture,
Torchlight already exists on Linux but it cannot be found anywhere but the Ubuntu Software Centre! What about those of us who do not use Ubuntu? Why is this charming hack and slash action roleplaying game being withheld from our willing wallets?

Just A Friendly Reminder: Don't Buy A Game Until It Is Officially On Linux

By FutureSuture,
Have you read the title? Good! Then you know what to do. Continue on to see why if you feel so inclined.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?

By FutureSuture,
Ubisoft says that DRM can't stop piracy, then says that better DRM needs to be put into place. Ubisoft may not have a presence on Linux yet, but do we want or even need a company with such unfriendly policies toward gamers?

Major Trine Update Should Be Released In The Next Few Months

By FutureSuture,
Have you been missing the original Trine on Steam? Well, the wait will be over soon as Trine is getting a major update with a new Linux client in the coming months!

CD Projekt RED Considering The Witcher 3 For Linux If SteamOS Takes Off

By FutureSuture,
Marcin Iwiński of CD Projekt RED talks about why The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for Linux has not been on the agenda so far.
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries found.
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