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Viewing articles by Keizgon

Bleed, A Bullet Hell Platformer Now On Linux

By Keizgon,
Bleed is an indie bullet hell shootem-up platformer by Bootdisk Revolution. Originally released in 2013, the developer had stated low hopes of a native port release, but the wait for that day is now over! Initial thoughts are included.

Apotheon Now In Open Beta For Linux, Some Thoughts

By Keizgon,
Apotheon is an indie game based on the concept of taking the ancient Greek mythological pottery art-style and story; incorporating it with a 2D metroidvania (platform adventure), heavy physics driven, open world.
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Freaking Meatbags Released For Linux, Some Thoughts On It

By Keizgon,
Freaking Meatbags by WildFactor is finally launching out of Early Access on Steam with a day one Mac and Linux release as their first indie title. Here's a review to help you decide if you want to buy it.

Review: Forward To The Sky Now On Linux

By Keizgon,
Forward to the Sky is a new Steam release indie title based on the idea of taking the Japanese Anime / Visual Novel art-style and incorporating it into a action puzzle platformer with a "run of the mill" campy story.
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries found.
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