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Viewing articles by immortel

My First Hours With A Steam Link

By immortel,
I bought the Steam Link with the idea that I would have a hassle-free device to play video games on my television. After playing with it for few hours, the device shows potential but does not deliver what Steam is trying to sell.

My First Hours With A Steam Controller

By immortel,
A guest article about a users new Steam controller, complete with pictures. An exciting time for gamers everywhere right now.
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How To Get A Free XCOM: Enemy Unknown Key

By immortel,
On Greenman Gaming, they are giving a free XCOM: Enemy Unknown Steam key for anyone who is voting in the Golden Joystick awards.

New Humble Weekly Bundle (5 Linux Games Out Of 7)

By immortel,
A brand new Humble Weekly Bundle is out and 5 out the 7 games support Linux. One of them is a pretty recent port too.

Kingdom Rush Review

By immortel,
Kingdom Rush is a tower defense game that is not re-inventing the style but worth trying it if you like the genre.
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries found.
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