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Random Saints Row 2 CTDs
StianTheDark Apr 20, 2016
Is it just me getting these random CTDs in Saints Row 2? Because there is no autosave, I lost about half an hour of progress last time it crashed. I've just started saving every two seconds now.
m2mg2 Apr 20, 2016
I haven't gotten any. I do have a pretty beastly machine/video card. I'm also on a somewhat older Nvidia driver (352.79), this is because some games wouldn't start when I upgraded from yum. So I ripped out the akmods and compiled from the NVidia*.run file. I have played for probably 8 to 10 hours with no crashes. I have had problems with CTD's in a few different games for a while which I tracked down to an iommu setting in my bios (I think it is a bug in my bios). The Witcher 2 had periodic CTD's, Bioshock Infinite had CTD's when the Samurai's came out and Dying Light almost constantly CTD'd.

My first guess would be driver issues then RAM.

What video card/driver versions are you guys using?
m2mg2 Apr 20, 2016
They don't crash anymore. Once I changed my iommu settings everything was/is fine.
StianTheDark Apr 20, 2016
I have a GTX 970, and 8 GBs of RAM. I'm gonna try monitoring system usage, and see if RAM may be the issue. Didn't help to turn down the graphics from High to Medium either.
m2mg2 Apr 20, 2016
StianTheDark, what is your driver version. If you can find it you could try installing 352.79, I'm using it with no problems.

Virtual programming has been working on these games for a while. I think it fairly likely they developed/tested on older drivers. I've seen quite a few reports (and experienced them) of the new drivers versions breaking games.
StianTheDark Apr 20, 2016

But, it fixed itself. It turned out to be that I had downloaded a Torrent on the wrong harddrive, so my SSD was completely full.
m2mg2 Apr 20, 2016
How does it run for you? It stutters a little for me, but totally playable and enjoyable. I'm running it at 1920x1080 with setting cranked up pretty high.
GustyGhost Apr 21, 2016
I've gotten a few with AMD Crimson drivers. I learned to save after every mission. Otherwise it runs just as well (or as badly) as on Windows.
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