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OMG - Ron Gilbert is making Monkey Island 3a (release 2022)
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sub Apr 4, 2022
No April's fool joke.

Also no idea if it will come to Linux natively.
Anyway, best gaming news in years (for me).

I'm not crying, you are!
han123 Apr 4, 2022
No idea, what to say/write. This is so amazing and it's not only Ron, also some other guys from the old games, that are working with him.
News of the year for me.
whizse Apr 4, 2022
I'll buy it! (As long as he doesn't charge more than 20 bucks!)
sub Apr 5, 2022
Quoting: han123No idea, what to say/write. This is so amazing and it's not only Ron, also some other guys from the old games, that are working with him.
News of the year for me.

Yeah, it's so great.
In particular the complete music crew is on board again.
And imho, despite the game itself being fantastic,
without that outstanding music I claim it wouldn't be the classic it is now.

Also I'm happy Ron has welcomed Murray into the canon.
He is such a great character (both, Ron and Murray ).

Just a bit sad Bill Tiller is not part of the team.
He was responsible for CoMI and did a fantastic job, imho.
IIRC he started at LucasArts doing background artwork for The Dig
and also was responsible for backgrounds and artistic style of CoMI.
Afterwards, he wasn't that lucky with his own enterprises (A Vampyre Story and some failed Kickstarter projects). I felt sorry for him, as he seems to be really talented and nice guy.
Asking him to help would've a been a really nice move, imho.
damarrin Apr 5, 2022
Very welcome news. For a minute there when I saw his April 1st post I thought maybe just maybe then dismissed it. I should have known better.
morgancoxuk Apr 5, 2022
Any news if there will be a native Linux version?

I played the first 2 on the Amiga and would prefer not to use a Windows version if possible
sub Apr 5, 2022
Quoting: morgancoxukAny news if there will be a native Linux version?

I played the first 2 on the Amiga and would prefer not to use a Windows version if possible

Looks like Liam was the VERY first commenter on Ron's webpage with the announcement:

The official webpage

also features NO platforms at all so far.

So there is still hope but I won't hold my breath.
Thimbleweed Park had a native Linux version but we know by now from many other projects,
that this might be due to simply getting another stretch goal.

Even if it won't there is still the chance of it running great with Proton.
whizse Apr 5, 2022
He famously switched to Linux a while back. So unless something changed, or the publisher objects I would find it odd if there wasn't a native release.
damarrin Apr 5, 2022
He did switch, but just because he didn’t want to use Windows or macOS, not because he suddenly appreciated Linux. If he’s still using it at all, he may not care for a small market like that and may not push for a native version.

Though I hope I’m wrong and Linux’s been good for him and he now wants to see it flourish. :-)
mot Apr 6, 2022
I bet he will make a linux version. This is 5 years old post, but still...
damarrin Apr 6, 2022
No other MI is on Linux, so...
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