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Weekend Players' Club 4/26/2024
G'Day fellow tuxers……. Its Bruce your host here once again…….

[+..••] As for gaming this week in Emulationville I played [+..••]


International Superstar Soccer 2000 (2000 Konami) - Nintendo 64 - Sports (Soccer)
Madden NFL 2003 (2002 EA Sports) - Nintendo GameCube - Sports (Football)
MVP Baseball 2005 (2005 EA Sports) - Nintendo GameCube - Sports (Baseball)
NBA Live 2005 (2004 EA Sports) - Sony PlayStation 2 - Sports (Basketball)
Need For Speed: Underground (2003 Electronic Arts) - Sony PlayStation 2 - Sports (Racing)
NFL Blitz (1998 Midway) - Nintendo 64 - Sports (Football)
NHL 06 (2005 EA Sports) – Nintendo GameCube – Sports (Hockey)
Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (2006 Konami) - Sony PlayStation 2 - Sports (Soccer)
Spider-Man 2: Enter: Electro (2001 Activision) - Sony PlayStation - Action
Triple Play Baseball (2001 EA Sports) - Sony PlayStation 2 - Sports (Baseball)


My Summer Car (2016 Amistech Games) - Steam - Simulation

Spider-Man 2: Enter: Electro…...

The shocking sequel to Spider-Man……..

The graphics….. Are quite nice for a PS1 game…… Spider-Man is nicely detailed……. The environments are quite nice…… Though it does feel like some are reused from the first game…….

The cut scenes are nice……. Well done animation with some nice lighting effects……. They are pretty low res though…… But you cant expect much else from a PS1……..

The sounds……. Are fine…… Many of the same voice actors from the first game make their return for the sequel…….. The music is very generic and very forgettable…… It is a slight step down from the first game…….

The controls……… Are good….. Almost the same as the first game and thats really about it…….. They dont get in the way and work really well……. But not much to say when its the same as the first game……...

The storyline.…… Follows on from the first game……. And is very lame…… Electro has stolen some McGuffin that when combined with his superpower will give him unlimited power and its up to our favourite friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man to save the day……. Yeah…… Electro is the main villain in this game…….. And if you think hes lame……. Oh boy…….. Battle Spidys greatest and most deadly foes…… Such as……. Hammerhead…….. The Beetle……… Sandman……. The Shocker……. And the Lizard……..

The story is so thin you could mistake it for an Olsen twin……. Its barely there and is just to get Spider-Man from one set piece to another……..

Ive written far more in depth and complex storylines about the Doritos Pope vs Pengling……..

The gameplay…… Is fine….. For the most part…….. The gameplay has not changed much at all from the first game……. Except the boss fights…….. These boss fights are super annoying……… And most characters have more then one boss fight……….

Every single boss fight has some stupid gimmick attached to it…….. One example is that Spider-Man needs to chase a train…… This you might think would be a great web slinging section……. Oh boy……. Take a look at this pile of shit…….

You cant actually chase the train cause Sandman has put up a sand wall and for some reason Spidy can swing over it or walk around it……. So you need to grab boxes and barrels and throw them at the sand wall to damage it while avoiding Sandmans attacks………

Once the wall is damaged enough it falls and you can move down the tracks to another sand wall…… repeat this process until you want to slit your wrists and that is the entire fight…….

Later on you actually “fight” Sandman….. But you need to avoid his attacks (again) while building up the water pressure……. Then releasing the valve to have the pipe spray water on the sandman and then and only then can you actually attack Sandman and do damage to him……. until he dries out and you have to repeat the process…….. Quite a few times…….. Or until you have finished making your noose……

The game itself is really really short (thats what she said) but there is so much padding in it…….. Which is really bad when it took me less than 2 hour to complete…...

Overall…… This game is very lame……. Its very short…… Its very forgettable…….. The graphics, sounds and controls are the only saving grace…….

And that is why my final score for Spider-Man 2: Enter: Electro is a Typeface out of 10………

Spider-Man 2: Enter: Electro…...

Thanks to Pengling……. I now have a good new meme template to work with………… As you saw in the opening screenshot to this review…….. Its a screenshot taken from the game…… And thanks to Penglings editing magic…….. Nearly anything can now be inserted onto the screen…….

The Road To PES Penguin 6

The road to unlock the PES Penguin in Pro Evolution Soccer 6 is at 4400 PES points out of 5000……….

Other Screenshots……...

Madden NFL 2003 (2002 EA Sports) - Nintendo Gamecube - Sports (Football)

MVP Baseball 2005 (2005 EA Sports) - Nintendo GameCube - Sports (Baseball)

My Summer Car (2016 Amistech Games) - Steam - Simulation

Triple Play Baseball (2001 EA Sports) - Sony PlayStation 2 - Sports (Baseball)

International Superstar Soccer 2000 (2000 Konami) - Nintendo 64 - Sports (Soccer)

Need For Speed: Underground (2003 Electronic Arts) - Sony PlayStation 2 - Sports (Racing)

NHL 06 (2005 EA Sports) – Nintendo GameCube – Sports (Hockey)

NBA Live 2005 (2004 EA Sports) - Sony PlayStation 2 - Sports (Basketball)

Well thats it from me…… Hope all you tuxers have a good week……

Now for my bad joke of the week……
I told my wife I have a crush on Beyonce...... She said "whatever floats your boat"........ I was confused cause thats buoyancy........
*ba dum.... tssssh…...*
whizse Apr 26
Let's check in on Spider. Meme template. My, my, how clever!

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderNow for my bad joke of the week……
I told my wife I have a crush on Beyonce...... She said "whatever floats your boat"........ I was confused cause thats buoyancy........

I had this crush on Taylor Swift. I wanted her to quickly make my seams come true!
Pengling Apr 26

My pick for this weekend is Stumble Guys (Proton), a free-to-play game inspired by the likes of It's a Knockout! and Takeshi's Castle, which is rated Steam Deck Playable - though it's honestly pretty much perfect except for whoever mapped its official controller layout forgetting to map the Escape key, which is used to back out of menus (though this can also be done via the touch-screen on the Steam Deck) and exit to desktop from the main menu.

It started as a knock-off of Fall Guys, a game that got bought up by Epic Games, removed from Steam, and made Epic Games Store exclusive, thus handing pretty much the entire PC market for a game of this style to whoever was willing to step up and release a decent equivalent on Steam. The result has been that, in PC-gaming at least (and as far as I know, in mobile gaming as well), Stumble Guys became the leading brand, and now has the clout to do licensed collaborations with the likes of Barbie, Dungeons & Dragons, Ghostbusters, Hot Wheels, Tetris, and Pac-Man (the latest collaboration is, funnily enough considering how often they appear in these threads, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and matches relating to that crossover are what I'll be digging into this weekend), as well as having a quickly-growing line of merchandise.

It's big dumb fun that's not deep and doesn't need to be, with big chunky cuddly-looking characters, silly animations, and nice vibrant obstacle-courses and arenas to play in. It never pressures you into spending money for a chance of success, and you can quite happily play a bit here and a bit there, unlock some fun characters and emotes, and go on with your life - it's a good thing to have ready-to-go alongside a meatier game, and it's an ideal fit for handheld play.

The storyline? Well, as far as I know there isn't one, which means that, for the purposes of this thread, we're gonna make one up!


It was a fine morning in Gamingville, and Pengling and her robot army were getting ready to head out and enjoy more of the increasingly bright and cheery Spring weather. But first, the answerphone needed taking care of - it was beeping and flashing due to being full, so the recordings had to be checked. Of course, they were all from the same people who had kept clogging up the machine lately, so, understandably, Pengling rolled her eyes more and more upon hearing each successive message...

"Hey, it's the Dorito Pope. April O'Neil is whinging about how the Turtles would've never let this happen, and how she's tired of being precariously dangled over a vat of Mountain Dew for the last several weeks. Are you really going to keep letting her down like this?"

"This is the Nacho Nun - the Dorito Pope asked me to call. He said that he's willing to cut you a deal if you'll come and collect your journalist friend at your earliest convenience. Please phone us back at the usual number."

"Hey, Dorito Pope here. Never mind, we called Shadow the Hedgehog to come on over and take all the credit instead. Too bad for you."

"(What do you mean the hedgehog didn't want her either?!) Oh, ahem. Dorito Pope again! Pengling, PLEASE... I'll make an exception to my anti-Konami rule and let Bomberman on The Geoff Awards, and I'll give him a 10-out-of-10 and a trophy! I'll even let him make his acceptance speech without the 10-second time-limit that lets me fit in ludicrous amounts of ads!"

Pengling shook her head, erased the answerphone tape yet again, and then gestured for Bomberman and the other robots to follow her.

"C'mon guys, we're going out to Stumble Cove to watch the Stumble Guys play today.".

And off they went.

[+..••] Other stuff that I played this week;

Mappy (Arcade)

PathBlasters (Native Linux)

Space Invaders (Arcade)

Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation (Proton)

Stardew Valley (Native Linux)

Super Bomberman 3 (SNES)

Wario Blast Featuring Bomberman! (GB)

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderYeah…… Electro is the main villain in this game…….. And if you think hes lame……. Oh boy…….. Battle Spidys greatest and most deadly foes…… Such as……. Hammerhead…….. The Beetle……… Sandman……. The Shocker……. And the Lizard……..
Wow, they trotted out the best of the best for this one.

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderIve written far more in depth and complex storylines about the Doritos Pope vs Pengling……..

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderAnd that is why my final score for Spider-Man 2: Enter: Electro is a Typeface out of 10………
Wow, that's obscure!

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Thanks to Pengling……. I now have a good new meme template to work with………… As you saw in the opening screenshot to this review…….. Its a screenshot taken from the game…… And thanks to Penglings editing magic…….. Nearly anything can now be inserted onto the screen…….
I'm only too happy to have lent my dubious editing skills to the cause.

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
NHL 06 (2005 EA Sports) – Nintendo GameCube – Sports (Hockey)
I cannot unsee that menacing grin! Yikes!

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderNow for my bad joke of the week……
I told my wife I have a crush on Beyonce...... She said "whatever floats your boat"........ I was confused cause thats buoyancy........
*ba dum.... tssssh…...*

Last edited by Pengling on 26 April 2024 at 10:03 pm UTC
Quoting: whizseLet's check in on Spider. Meme template. My, my, how clever!

Im glad you didnt check on me 10 minutes earlier.......

Quoting: Pengling
My pick for this weekend is Stumble Guys
Quoting: PenglingIt started as a knock-off of Fall Guys
I thought Fall Guys was a ripoff of Stumble Guys........

Quoting: PenglingThe storyline? Well, as far as I know there isn't one, which means that, for the purposes of this thread, we're gonna make one up!


It was a fine morning in Gamingville, and Pengling and her robot army were getting ready to head out and enjoy more of the increasingly bright and cheery Spring weather. But first, the answerphone needed taking care of - it was beeping and flashing due to being full, so the recordings had to be checked. Of course, they were all from the same people who had kept clogging up the machine lately, so, understandably, Pengling rolled her eyes more and more upon hearing each successive message...

"Hey, it's the Dorito Pope. April O'Neil is whinging about how the Turtles would've never let this happen, and how she's tired of being precariously dangled over a vat of Mountain Dew for the last several weeks. Are you really going to keep letting her down like this?"

"This is the Nacho Nun - the Dorito Pope asked me to call. He said that he's willing to cut you a deal if you'll come and collect your journalist friend at your earliest convenience. Please phone us back at the usual number."

"Hey, Dorito Pope here. Never mind, we called Shadow the Hedgehog to come on over and take all the credit instead. Too bad for you."

"(What do you mean the hedgehog didn't want her either?!) Oh, ahem. Dorito Pope again! Pengling, PLEASE... I'll make an exception to my anti-Konami rule and let Bomberman on The Geoff Awards, and I'll give him a 10-out-of-10 and a trophy! I'll even let him make his acceptance speech without the 10-second time-limit that lets me fit in ludicrous amounts of ads!"

Pengling shook her head, erased the answerphone tape yet again, and then gestured for Bomberman and the other robots to follow her.

"C'mon guys, we're going out to Stumble Cove to watch the Stumble Guys play today.".

And off they went.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... Loved it!....... Well done.......

Quoting: Pengling
PathBlasters (Native Linux)
That wouldnt happen to be a Bomberman clone would it??......... hmmmmmm.....

Quoting: Pengling
Space Invaders (Arcade)


Quoting: Pengling
Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation (Proton)
I feel like this is going to be the origin story for Krang........

Quoting: Pengling
Stardew Valley (Native Linux)
Ummmm....... Thats a letter you would give straight the police........

Quoting: Pengling
Super Bomberman 3 (SNES)

Quoting: Pengling
Wario Blast Featuring Bomberman! (GB)

Quoting: PenglingWow, they trotted out the best of the best for this one.
Yeah they really were scraping the bottom of the barrel.......

Quoting: PenglingHahahaha!
Its very true though......

Quoting: PenglingWow, that's obscure!
And hes lame...... And short lived..... And very forgettable...... Just like the game...... So it fits in perfectly......

Quoting: PenglingI'm only too happy to have lent my dubious editing skills to the cause.
You did good work...... So good even Whizse has already taken it for a spin......

Quoting: PenglingI cannot unsee that menacing grin! Yikes!
You think thats bad...... Wait till next week.......

Quoting: PenglingHah!
Glad you liked that one......
Mezron Apr 29
Back on my grind with locals. My wife and I found a group of age 35+ ppl that run bi-weekly retro-fighters via Dreamcast. So we started getting back into

* Garou: Mark of the Wolves
* The Last Blade 2
* The King of Fighters 1999
* Capcom vs SNK 2000

The first 2 are main games of the group and the other are side tournaments.

Looking forward to this coming weekend.
Pengling May 1
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderI thought Fall Guys was a ripoff of Stumble Guys........

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... Loved it!....... Well done.......
HAHA! Glad you liked it! Thanks for helping to improve the answerphone messages, by the way!

Looking forward to the next bit of back-and-forth by way of games that have no storylines.

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderThat wouldnt happen to be a Bomberman clone would it??......... hmmmmmm.....
You already know the answer to that.

Quoting: StoneColdSpider
Actually a really fun variant, that.

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderI feel like this is going to be the origin story for Krang........
Hahahaha! Is he going to come along and help out the Dorito Pope?

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderUmmmm....... Thats a letter you would give straight the police........
It's from a bear, and he's started calling me on the phone, as well!

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderGOD DAMMIT PENGLING! x1........
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderGOD DAMMIT PENGLING x2........

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderYou did good work...... So good even Whizse has already taken it for a spin......

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderYou think thats bad...... Wait till next week.......
Oh boy...

Quoting: MezronBack on my grind with locals. My wife and I found a group of age 35+ ppl that run bi-weekly retro-fighters via Dreamcast.
Now if only I could find that, but for Bomberman!

Last edited by Pengling on 1 May 2024 at 8:39 pm UTC
Mezron May 3
Quoting: PenglingNow if only I could find that, but for Bomberman!

Host your own and they will come? That is how a lot of locals start.
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