Adult games. Do you play them?
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luana Jun 1
I do!

Mostly I like Yiffalicious and VR Paradise
Unfortunately there aren’t many good nsfw games that think about lesbians out there tho :(
Quoting: luanaI do!

Mostly I like Yiffalicious and VR Paradise
Unfortunately there aren’t many good nsfw games that think about lesbians out there tho :(
Have you tried Latex Dungeon? That game literally has something for everyone in it. It's also Linux native, and I hope that the sequel Latex Tentacles will be too. lol
I play a lot of Japanese visual novels, which are by definition adult. I don't care for the sex scenes very much most of the time. I've always found it odd that in a medium as unrestrained as visual novels, so many creators feel pressured to include sex scenes in order to appeal to the "general audience" and it kind of shows. I think Nasu is one of the famous examples...I need to get around to reading Fate sometime. I think there was a sex scene in Muv-Luv...but I can't remember it at all.

But they can be good on occasion. I'm not against them on principle. Just, nothing that comes to mind...

I tend to read manga for that sort of thing.

Quoting: luanaUnfortunately there aren’t many good nsfw games that think about lesbians out there tho :(
This, however, I can relate to. If there was one game I wish had an NSFW scene, it would have been The Expression Amrilato. I'd love to find more lesbian DRM-free VNs to read. Flowers seems good, but it's SFW, of course...

Maybe Kindred Spirits on the Rooftop would be good? I bought Katahane a long time ago and I need to get around to playing it.
eldaking Jun 2
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualI play a lot of Japanese visual novels, which are by definition adult. I don't care for the sex scenes very much most of the time. I've always found it odd that in a medium as unrestrained as visual novels, so many creators feel pressured to include sex scenes in order to appeal to the "general audience" and it kind of shows. I think Nasu is one of the famous examples...I need to get around to reading Fate sometime. I think there was a sex scene in Muv-Luv...but I can't remember it at all.

But they can be good on occasion. I'm not against them on principle. Just, nothing that comes to mind...

I'm on exactly the same boat, I played many VNs that were technically sex games but that was a minor part of it (and most of the time worked against the rest).

I'd say I play many games that contain sex scenes, and sometimes they are even good sex scenes - for example Baldur's Gate or Hong Kong 1986 (a really sweet lesbian romance VN). Also played Max Gentlemen Sexy Business, which is fairly explicit but mostly comedy and management.

But while I am not opposed to games where the sex is the main point, most of those seem to be really bad? I tried a few of the games in this article: They were... alright? I should probably try a few more and see if anything clicks.

Last edited by eldaking on 2 June 2024 at 6:28 pm UTC
I have a few in my library that I got either for free or in a bundle. Out of curiosity, I tried some, but I didn't find much interest in them, whether we talk about gameplay or other kinds of adult interests.

So, short answer: no.
amatai Jun 2
I have like a lots of adult games. There are the whole range of games based on fetish which are a nice way to explore fetishes but that's depends on one's taste. They can be found on, generally free as those game are mostly fund via subscription. If you wants to look at what it look like you can look for Seeds of Chaos that's include plenty of fetishes.

As for the adult games with more mainstream appeal, there are first a lot of visual novel (most novel include some sex and visual novel are no exception) , I'm fond of a few space opera ones like Tales from the Unending Void, Starship Inanna or the Sunrider Saga.

If you want to start with something nice, you may want's to look at Aurelia. It's free on itch. It is a Stardew Valley with minigames but without capitalism. It's far more peaceful and feel good in a village full of characters horny because of boredom.

I also have to mention all of Siera Lee games and particularly The Last Sovereign, which is my favorite political sim before Suzerain or Crisis in the Kremlin. This is an excellent game in so many aspect. Don't be fooled by the screenshots that are unimpressive, that is the best choice and consequence RPG, even better than Fallout (1997).
Dorrit Jun 2
The only adult game to me is my left hand (it gives the impression someone else is doing it).
Otherwise it's physical or nothing.
Quoting: eldakingfor example Hong Kong 1986 (a really sweet lesbian romance VN).
And that's one game that just got added to my wishlist for the summer sale at the end of this month...
I usually don't, but I have played them before. Unfortunately, very much like other adult-content, when I use it, normally means that I'm going through some stress/anxiety from other aspects in life, so I can't say my relationship with them is the healthiest.

Also, at least the ones I've seen, most of the stories are quite corny, and the depictions of women in them are very superficial and unrealistic (to put it mildly...) which makes me feel rather weird (adding to the above)
Trias Jun 5
Occasionally. Have a few on both Steam and Itch accounts. And seeing people advertising some games here I'll probably mention two myself as an example:

Price of Power - interesting "green post-apocalypse" setting and a good story, at least in first chapters. The game is in early access, but it won't stay there for long, it seems. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.

A.O.A. Academy - good art-style and not a bad story. Unfortunately developers split up (that's probably what happen) and the game will never be properly finished. Still worth mentioning even in that state.
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