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Viewing articles by flesk
A big fan of platformers, puzzle games, point-and-click adventures and niche indie games.

I run the Hidden Linux Gems group on Steam, where we highlight good indie games for Linux that we feel deserve more attention.

A closer look at some DRM free Linux games available on itch.io

By flesk,
Itch.io has become a popular distribution platform among developers for its many and flexible tools for distributing and promoting games. We take a closer look at what they have to offer us Linux gamers.

Multiplayer arena platformer Mighty Switch Force! Academy released for Linux on Steam

By flesk,
Developer WayForward has been developing games for consoles for well over a decade, and have now released their first game for Linux.

Noire crime thriller Blues and Bullets released for Linux on Steam

By flesk,
This is the first of five planned episodes in a retelling of the story of Eliot Ness—the agent who brought down mob boss Al Capone.

Atmospheric puzzle platformer Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) now available for Linux on Steam

By flesk,
The story driven puzzle platformer is now officially available for Linux with the Foxtales DLC and is currently on sale.

Puzzle game Volvox released on Steam, has WebGL demo

By flesk,
Volvox was released on Steam last week and instantly caught my attention because of its appealing watercolor painted look.

The Funding Crowd 54, the latest in Linux crowdfunding news

By flesk,
Read the latest in crowdfunding news for Linux in the last issue of The Funding Crowd this side of New Year's.

3D adventure platformer Poi available for Linux in Steam Early Access

By flesk,
Poi is the latest of a small handful of 3D platformers to release for Linux these last couple of months, and is worth a look for fans of 90s era 3D platformers.

SquareCells, a new puzzle game from the developer of Hexcells, has been released on Steam

By flesk,
Developer Matthew Brown's new game is similar in style to his popular Hexcells trilogy, and seems like another great buy for fans of Japanese style logic puzzles.

Double Fine has launched crowdfunding campaign to fund Psychonauts 2

By flesk,
The story-driven 3D platformer could get a most excellent sequel, as Double Fine has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Fig to secure the funds needed to revisit one of their most beloved franchises.

Western style top-down shooter '12 is Better Than 6' released on Steam for Linux

By flesk,
12 is Better Than 6 was funded on Kickstarter last month and is already available as a full release on Steam.

Mini-review of physics puzzler Unmechanical: Extended, released for Linux on GOG and Steam

By flesk,
Unmechanical has been extended with a new chapter, adding more than an hour's worth of new puzzles and exploration, and the Unreal Engine 3 powered game is now officially available for Linux.

The Funding Crowd 53, the latest in Linux crowdfunding news

By flesk,
A new issue of The Funding Crowd is available, and we have a bunch of new and exciting hidden gems to cover.

Steampunk puzzler Steamroll available for SteamOS & Linux in Steam Early Access

By flesk,
The Unreal Engine 4 powered 3D puzzle game with elements of mini golf is now officially available for Linux on Steam.

Multiplayer Action Platformer RPG Roguelands Released In Steam Early Access

By flesk,
Roguelands is the latest game from Magicite developer SmashGames LLC, and it's now available in Early Access on Steam.

Space RTS 'Conflicks' Out Of Early Access And Released For Linux, Has Multiplayer Demo

By flesk,
Sang-Froid Developer Artifice Studios has released their outlandish space RTS 'Conflicks: Revolutionary Space Battles' on Steam, and a multiplayer demo is also available for Linux.

Story-Driven Noir Adventure 'Knee Deep' Has A New Act And Full Voice Over

By flesk,
Act 2 of "swamp noir" adventure game 'Knee Deep' was released last week, and came with voice acting for both acts.

Exploration Puzzle Platformer PONCHO Released DRM Free And On Steam

By flesk,
PONCHO is an open-world puzzle platformer where you control a robot who is able to flip between parallax layers. The game was released on the Humble Store and Steam this week, and I've taken a look at it.

The Funding Crowd 52, The Latest In Linux Crowdfunding News

By flesk,
Take a look at the latest issue of The Funding Crowd for a new batch of crowdfunding campaigns for Linux.

Puzzle Platformer 'Adventures of Shuggy' Released For Linux On Steam

By flesk,
The game was ported to Linux in time for the Halloween sale on Steam and is a bargain for fans of puzzle platformers.

First-Person Adventure 'Pulse' Released On Humble And Steam

By flesk,
Pulse is an adventure game about a girl who lost her sight at an early age, and who is able to explore the world through sound.
Showing 20 to 40 of 215 entries found.
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